Practice Makes Perfect

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*The day of the party*

"Charissa I'm ok," Dean laughed as Charissa guided him back into the shed.

"Are you sure?" Her voice was traced with worry. Guiding him over to the foot of the bed, Charissa sat besides him waiting for his answer.

"Yes. And I'm also sure that you worry to much. Try and relax a little," Dean placed his hand on hers watching her sway her feet back and forth.

"I just wanted to be sure you weren't to drunk," her face warmed up at the cold touch of his hands. Dean let a soft laugh escape his lips.

"Don't worry, I'm ok now that I'm here with you."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Roni took the elevator down to the basement of Jefferson High. Her heels clacked against the stone floor as she made her way towards the loud music. Turning the corner of the long hallway into a room lit by small lamps she saw Dalton and Josh strum away on their guitars while Aaron played the bongos in the corner. When they looked up from their instruments all three boys gave Roni a welcoming cheer.

"Ayyyyye," Aaron said loudly standing up. "I'm glad you made it."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Roni smiled setting down her bag on a red couch. "So when do we start?" Aaron shrugged picking up his drum sticks.

"Now if you don't mind," Aaron said as he made his way to his drum set.

"Yeah let's do it," Roni smiled taking the microphone off its stand. "Do you guys know how to play She's So Mean?"

"Yes we do," Dalton said as he and Josh began to strum away on their guitars. After a moment Aaron came in on the drums followed by Roni's strong vocals. Through the hour of practice the band played songs of all different varieties to match Roni's voice. When the last cord of She Looks So Perfect finally came to a stop Roni let out a satisfied sigh.

"That was awsome," Josh grinned setting down his guitar. The others did the same as Roni put her microphone back on it's stand.

"Ok guys we have practice next Sunday and our first gig is in two weeks on Friday," Aaron said taking a drink of water. Roni bobbed her head confirming she could make it and grabbed her bag ready to leave. Hovering by the door she gave the three guys one last wave before turning to leave.

"Hey wait up," Dalton stood up from the chair he was sitting on to meet Roni in the hallway. "That was a great rehearsal."

"Thanks," she smiled. "You guys are really good, I'm surprised I even made it," a small laugh escaped her lips.

"There wasn't really a decision, It was you from the start. So, I was wondering if you'd like to grab a cup of coffee with me sometime if you're not to busy," Dalton's voice was eager as he waited for her answer. Roni's eyes lit at the question. Her mind wandered off thinking of the endless possibilities this date could bring considering the upcoming prom that lied only a couple of months away.

"I'd love to," her voice gave off hints of shock that quickly washed away with the surprising butterflies.

"Great," Dalton let out huff of relief and handed Roni a slip of paper. "Here's my number if you ever wanna talk."

"Thanks," Roni took the piece of paper and stuffed it in her bag. "I'll text you when I get home," with one last wave Roni turned around and walked down the seemingly endless hallway back to the elevator. Once she got inside and the doors closed Roni let out a loud squeal of excitement.

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