Walk With Me

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With a quick movement of her hand Roni tore down the signup sheet for the lead singer tryouts. Heather watched as she crumpled the paper and tossed it up in the air.

"Um... Why?" Heather raised an eyebrow towards Roni who gave her a confident smile.

"I've made up my mind," she announced. "I'm going to be the new lead singer for The Escape, and I don't want anyone competing against me for it."

"Are you joking?" Heather laughed. "I never really saw rock bands as your thing."

"Well, now it is," Roni grinned. "I mean have you seen the guys in the band?" She asked, her cheeks getting redder. Dramatically Roni began to fan herself with her hands.

"Yes, yes they are very pretty, but ya know being in a band will mean more eyes on you. Do you think you can handle that?" Heather tried not to sound disapproving of Roni's idea.

"I don't care about those losers," Roni scoffed jokingly. "I'm going to be in this band no matter what!" Tossing the paper into the trash they both left for Spanish class.

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After the last bell rang Heather packed her school bags and headed for the front doors. Her car would be in the shop for the next week, so for the time being she'd have to take the fifteen minute walk back to her house. Crossing into the school parking lot she began to walk over to the trail that would lead her home.. Before to long another pair of feet were besides hers. Looking up from the book she had been immersed in whilst walking Heather meet Thomas's eyes.

"Hey," Thomas grinned. "Whatcha up to?"

"I was just heading home, but the bigger question is what are you up to?" Heather shoved her book into her backpack. Thomas released a small chuckle and shrugged.

"My brothers mad at me because of the party, so I thought I might just walk with you."

"Ah the party," Heather laughed. "And I still haven't meet your brother, you should introduce me after you guys stop fighting."

"No," Thomas shook his head. "My brothers a prick. During the party he didn't even join me once, and when the cops came I went to get him, but he'd already left. He's the perfect twin and the favorite son because he's smarter and more 'rational'." Thomas made quotation marks with his hand as he spoke his sarcastic words.

"I bet he feels the same way about you," Heather looked ahead as they walked through an open field with a small pathway. Thomas turned his head to glance at her.

"What do you mean?"

"Well maybe since you seem more popular he might resent you for that, or it could be that he's worried about you."

"I highly doubt that," Thomas kicked up dust from the trail.

"Don't be stupid he is your brother. Out of everyone in this world he knows you the best. Don't take him for granted." Thomas let a laugh escape his lips.

"I'll try not to." The two walked in sync, exiting the field and coming onto a sidewalk that would lead them to Heather's house. "So now you tell me something, why do you even talk to me?" Heather couldn't tell if he was joking or being serious, so she played along.

"Hmmm, I talk to you because..." She thought of little details in her head before finishing her sentence. "You're in my classes, I can actually talk to you, you're new, you're my friend, and you don't care when I insult you."

"Valid point," he chuckled. "But on the other hand I'm hot tempered, I make stupid decisions, and school isn't my best subject." Heather smiled as they made their way onto her lawn.

"So? Everyone is flawed. The hard part is being content with who you are." She took out her house keys when they finally reached the door. Putting the key in the lock Heather turned her head to face Thomas who stood behind her. "So, since you're fighting with your brother and all do you wanna come in?" Giving the handle a turn the front door swung open.

"Sure, if I go back to soon we might get into a fist fight," Thomas entered the house right behind Heather.

"Do you guys fight like that a lot?" She turned to the kitchen which lead them into the sun room.

"Ya, and he gets really pissed after I beat him," Thomas took a seat on the faded couch.

"Fighting is stupid," Heather said taking a seat on a chair she used for drinking tea. "All you get out of it is a stupid title and a black eye."

"That's the best part," Thomas winked which made Heather role her eyes, but along her lips a smile formed.

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