Party For The Wild

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Charissa knocked on her shed door three times before busting it open. Dean looked up from his homework as she stepped inside and kicked aside one of his shirts.

"Hey," Charissa said in an excited manner. "There's a party tonight at someone's house do you wanna join me?"

"I don't know," Dean said closing his text book.

"Come on just this one time, please?" Charissa pleaded for him to say yes. A moment passed before Dean finally gave in.

"Ok fine," he replied with a smile after seeing Charissa's eyes light up.

"Yay!" She cheered grabbing his arm and pulling him off the bed and out the door.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Megan, Heather, and Roni arrived at the party together but once they finally got inside they dispersed in the crowd. Roni, holding a cup of beer, saw the brown hair boy she'd been dying to see ever since their encounter in Starbucks. Hesitantly she approached him taking a sip of her beer. When he turned his head toward her Roni could see a huge smile creep up on Aaron's face.

"Hey!" He yelled over the ear shattering music. Roni took another gulp of her beer before replying.

"Hey, what's up?" Roni shouted even though she stood right next to him.

"Looking for a cute girl to dance with," Aaron grinned at her, his brown eyes sparkling.

"Dance with me," Roni yelled chugging the last of her beer and tossing the cup to the side. She could feel the alcohol slowly take over as she grabbed Aaron's hand and dragged him onto the dance floor.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Megan went into the kitchen where someone handed her a shot. Quickly she drank the contents and after the satisfying burning sensation in her throat died down she grabbed another. After her fifth shot Megan felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning around quickly Megan's hand released the shot that she grasped. Diverting her attention to the floor she frowned.

"Fuck," she whispered under her breathe. Looking back up she saw Carson's eyes stare at hers. "What are you looking at?" Megan asked, still pissed about her shot. Carson kept staring with a longing look and responded quickly ignoring Megan's hostility.

"You. Megan I don't think you should drink anymore," his voice was something in between worry and concern. Megan raised an eyebrow at him and grabbed another shot holding it up in front of his face. With a snicker she downed it.

"And who's gonna stop me?" Megan picked up another shot but before she could drink it Carson took it out of her hand. "Hey! What's up?"

"These guys are shady Megan. Do you know who's giving you these shots? I've seen them drug girls before," Carson poured the contents onto the floor which made Megan's eyes widen with frustration.

"And why do you care?" Carson could smell the alcohol on her breath as she spoke.

"I don't want you to get hurt," Carson tried to make his words sound hollow, but failed. Taking Megan's hand, he lead her outside where there where no other kids around and made her sit down on a small wooden bench.

"Why are we out here?" She asked looking up at him.

"I don't want you to regret anything at the end of the day, that's all."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jackie sat on the couches across from Thomas who just finished his sixth cup of beer. Heather was no where to be seen the entire night, and even if Thomas said he was there, neither was Harry. Turning her attention back to Thomas, Jackie could see his cup was full once again.

"That's your seventh cup of beer," Jackie yelled over the music. "You might want to slow down."

"No," Thomas said with a grin. "Come on, Jackie, join me." Thomas handed her a red cup like his which she put down right after accepting it.

"I don't think so," Jackie shook her head and began to stand up. Thomas grabbed her hand and pulled her over to him.

"Thomas I think I'm just going to go home," Jackie tried to release herself from Thomas's grasp but couldn't.

"No, stay," Thomas stood up from his seat and looked into Jackie's eyes.

"Thomas I-," Jackie was cut off by Thomas who pressed his lips against hers. Quickly Jackie pushed him back with all her strength. Her mind raced unable to process what happened. As her thoughts began to slow down Jackie's face started to heat with anger. Fiercely she rose her hand to Thomas's face and slapped him, her ring leaving a bright red mark on his cheek. Out of the corner of her eye she caught Heather staring with wide eyes. Grabbing her jacket, Jackie rushed over to Heather.

"Can we leave?" Jackie asked.

"Ya, let's go," Heather, who had seen what happened, led Jackie through the crowd and out the door. The two of them began to walk down the foggy street back to Heathers house which was five blocks away. Heather felt her pockets frantically for her phone, but nothing was there. Taping Jackie's shoulder Heather spoke quickly. "I think I forgot my phone back there, just go to my house I'll be there soon. I think the front doors open." Turning away Heather ran back inside the house and found her phone on the window seal. Trying not to be seen she opened the door to the house and walked back outside. After she got off the front lawn she heard the front door close once more. Turning around she caught a glance of Thomas who ran her way.

"Heather!" He yelled, trying to keep up with her. Heather turned her head back around and began to quicken her pace.

"What do you want?" Her voice gave off a hint of anger. Not looking back Heather made her way down the street as Thomas followed behind trying to catch up.

"I want an answer," Thomas got in front of her which forced her to stop in her tracks.

"Answer to what?" Heather placed her hands on her hips.

"Just tell me. Why didn't she kiss me back?" Heather let a small laugh escape her lips before she began walking again.

"No one wants to be kissed by a drunk," Heather concluded.

"I'm not drunk," Thomas walked alongside her, frequently trying to step in front of her and stop her from going further.

"I can smell the alcohol on your breath from here. Do you think you can actually make someone like you by acting like a dipshit?" Heather turned around and faced Thomas making him stop. "She didn't kiss back because by tomorrow you'll forget there was ever a kiss. Just go back to the party Thomas. Talk to me when you're not wasted," Heather turned around abruptly and ran the rest of the way home.

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