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The next day at school Pandora walked up to Charissa and Megan with a bright smile on. Once Megan saw her she spoke up.

"Hey Pandora!" She grinned.

"Hey Megan, hey Charissa. Where you guys at that party last night?" Pandora asked.

"Ya," Charissa replied interested in the conversation. "What happened?"

"I heard that girl Monica was arrested. Apparently she was high as fuck when the cops caught her," Pandora laughed.

"What happened to the guy that threw the party?" Megan asked still not so sure what his name was.

"He wasn't in the house, the only people they found were some drunk kids on the lawn and a couple inside. Sorry I gotta go to class right now," Pandora gave them one last smile before turning around to leave. As soon as the bell rang for first period Megan made her way to the Social Studies classroom. Sitting down in her seat two rows away from the oddly familiar face again Megan looked forward to see it the teacher had arrived yet. Nope. Searching for something to do, Megan absentmindedly began to look in the direction of the boy closest to her. A rush of pink flooded her cheeks as her memory began to serve her correctly. His name was Carson and he use to be her biggest crush back in middle school. He had it all back then. He was the quarter back of the junior high team, he was popular, he was strong and now he was even taller than before. But, when Megan looked at him he seemed different. Confronting him for the first time in five years Megan stood up tall and walked over to his seat. He glanced up at her, his glasses shifting as his head moved.

"I'm Megan," her smile exposed her pearly whites. "Do you remember me?" Carson looked into her eyes and with a small motion of his head he said yes.

"Didn't you move to Georgia in junior high?" He asked.

"Ya I did, but now I'm back for good!" She announced excitedly. He smiled and pushed up his glasses.

"Good, I could use another friend in this school," Megan seemed stunned at his response.

"What do you mean? The last time I saw you you had a ton of people follow you around just so they could say they knew you," Megan gave off a small laugh.

"Ya well not anymore at least," he whispered looking down. Seeing his despair Megan quickly changed the subject.

"Well I'm just glad I know someone in this class. The first day I got here I got nothing but dirty looks," Megan tried showing him he was not alone.

"It's good to have you back Megan," Carson flashed her a warm smile and turned his attention back to the board where the teacher had just arrived.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Charissa walked through the woods into the driveway of her house. With a few long strides she approached her front steps. What she hadn't been expecting was the person who sat in front of her. Dean rose to his feet after noticing Charissa had finally returned.

"Hey," he said waving his hand awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?" Charissa asked meeting him on the steps.

"Um..." He scratched the back of his head. "It's kinda a long story."

"Just tell me Dean, please?" Charissa begged.

"Can I come inside?" He asked. Charissa brought out her house key and unlocked the door. The two stepped inside as Charissa pushed the door shut. Sitting at the kitchen table Dean began his story. "So a couple months ago my mom got into a car crash and died, which you already know. After that my dad started drinking more than usual. A couple of nights ago we got into a fight while he was drunk and he told me to leave and never come back. When I told him no he brought his gun out, so I went to my room to grab as many things I could before bolting. After I left I went to the library to sleep, but they caught me there yesterday, so I'm no longer invited back. I didn't know where to go and every road seemed to lead me here." Charissa's throat swelled. Even if it wasn't her story she felt like she lived it with him.

"Dean," Charissa whispered trying not to sound as numb as she felt. "I could help you, if you'd let me."

"How?" Dean looked up to meet Charissa's eyes and by the redness of his face she could tell he might start to cry.

"Well you can't let my family know but here," Charissa grabbed his hand and stood up, leading him to the back door of her house. Pushing it open, Charissa guided him to a shed in the backyard. "You first," she told Dean motioning her hand to the door. Dean stepped up and turned the handle. It creaked open giving off an eerie sound. After he finally got it open wide enough to see inside Dean's eyes widened. In front of him was a furnished bedroom painted pink.

"What is this?" Dean gapped.

"It's my second room," Charissa tried to hold back a laugh. "This is where I go during the summer. I did it all one weekend while my mom was on a trip. I hope you don't mind pink."

"Mind it? From now on it's my new favorite color," he made his way around the room looking at the amazing work a girl his age could do to a run-down shed. "Are you sure you don't mind if I stay here?" He asked turning back around to face her. Charissa nodded with a reassuring smile.

"For as long as you need to be away from your home you can stay here. Just make yourself comfortable, ok? I'll be inside, when you're done unpacking and whatever just come back in." Charissa made her way back to the door but before she could cross through Dean had her in a hug.

"Thank you so much," Charissa began to feel her heart melt as he spoke with admiration. "I'm going to repay you one day, I don't know how or with what but I am."

"It's ok," she responded returning the hug. "It's not everyday I get a teenage runaway to live in my shed."

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