Friends Again

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Megan took out her earplugs and put them in her ears. Walking out of her front door she began her short walk to the park. The sunny Sunday day was being consumed by cold winds and multicolored leaves that fell to the floor. When Megan's feet finally hit the black pavement of the park walkways she began her first walk around since junior high. While she made her first lap around Megan caught the stare of someone who was sitting down on a bench right next to the empty playground. Carson watched as Megan pulled out her ear phones and jogged up to him smiling.

"Hey," she grinned looking at the empty spot besides Carson. "Mind if I take a seat?"

"Go right ahead," Carson motioned towards the empty side of the bench. Megan sat down next to him, resting her back on the painted wood.

"So," she began. "I'm sorry I was so rude that day at the party, I realize now that you were just trying to protect me," Megan tried to sound as sincere as possible making sure to chose the right words. "Thanks by the way."

"Don't mention it. I just didn't want anyone to take advantage of you while you were drunk," he shrugged looking into her shimmering brown eyes.

"You're really special, you know that?" Megan asked with a small laugh. Thinking back to when she last saw Carson Megan remember a different person in front of her. Deciding to change the topic she pressed for answers. "So, what's new since the last time I saw you, I mean back in grade seven?"

"A lot actually," Carson gave her a small smile before going into detail. "I quit football. After that I sort of lost all my friends. I didn't really have anyone to turn to because no one wanted to be seen with the 'popular' kid who was kicked out of his friend group. When I tried finding some new ones though everyone seemed to hate me. I think it was because when I was popular I would ignore everyone who I didn't see fit to talk to me. That entire year I sunk into depression, but thankfully I joined the drama club. I meet some great people there, you'd like them. I even made the sets for the fall musical this year and I was casted as the lead male role. I've had a few rough spots this year, but at least I'm happy now. Oh ya and I have glasses now," Carson chuckled fixing the glasses that rested on his face. "I guess I've turned into a pretty big loser since the last time we saw each other haven't I?" Megan watched in awe. When she first got to Georgia it had been less than a good time, but the entire time she'd been there she had always had someone. And here Carson was, ditched by his so called friends and still smiling.

"No," Megan finally whispered. "Not at all. I think you've turned into a much better person then what you were, your story is very inspiring. And I might just have to try out for that play you're staring in. Maybe I can be the Juliet to your Romeo," Megan let out a soft laugh as Carson joined in. The two echoed a sweet chime of giggles into the empty park.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"Mrs. Caldwell, why was I assigned to write this article?" Heather urged her teacher for answers, completely unprepared for the response.

"Because, Heather, you are my brightest student," Mrs. Caldwell, Heather's language arts teacher told her.

"Come on you and I both know that's a lie," Heather cocked her head to the side.

"Ok fine," Mrs. Caldwell leaned her head closer to Heathers and whispered. "The other pricks in your class are too dense to write a good article for this topic," Mrs. Caldwell leaned back with a smile. "And besides I have faith in you! It's just a one page poem on your thoughts of popularity, it should be real easy for you."

"But Mrs. Caldwell," Heather complained. "I don't want to."

"That's enough Heather," Mrs. Caldwell laughed. "Now please go back to your cooking class and don't forget to make the poem good. It's going in the school newspaper after all," Mrs. Caldwell smiled and pushed Heather out of her empty classroom and into the hallway. Hesitantly she made her way back to class. Today she was assigned to doing the dishes so no one would miss her until the end of class, but something inside of her made her dread stepping inside that classroom. Facing Thomas for the first time since the party made her nervous, especially since she hadn't seen him during art since she had been in charge of putting flyers up for the prom. Entering the warm classroom Heather could smell the sickeningly sweet sent of cookies. Some burnt to char and some baked perfectly. Sitting down at one of the big tables Heather brought out her phone underneath. When she looked up from the screen she was staring into Thomas's green eyes. He watched her from across the table as Heather brought her eyes back to her phone screen, completely prepared to ignore him for as long as possible.

"Come on Heather just talk to me," he said trying to grab her attention again. Heather refused to look up, her cheeks burned with silent frustration. "Look, I'm sorry about what I did that night. I should never have forced myself onto Jackie and I was too drunk to realize it." Coldly Heather looked up at Thomas with a glare then returned her stare back to her text messages. "Nope," Thomas said banging his fist on the table dramatically with a sudden smile. "You can't ignore me forever," Thomas made his way around the table and stood in front of Heathers chair towering over her. "And I'm going to make sure that statement is true," Thomas laughed and waved his hand in front of Heathers face. Refusing to look up, Heather began to scroll through Tumblr. Hopping up on the table, Thomas sat in front of Heather and watched as she absentmindedly looked at pictures.

"Hey Heather it's your turn to do the dishes," a voice called out to her. Looking up at Pandora Heather stood up and walked over to the sink. Thomas stepped in front of her looking down into her eyes with a pleading smile.

"Please talk to me," he said giving her a pout. Heather let out a sigh and with a harsh voice she replied.

"No," passing him to get to the sink Heather started the water and gathered the dishes to be washed.

"So, you will talk to me?" He raised an eyebrow with a smile.

"No," Heather began to pull pans and bowls into the sink and washed them with soap.

"Please say something besides no."


"Ok you know what I'll let you ask me anything and I will answer it truthfully, just say something." Thomas leaned his arm on the table next to the sink as Heather washed the dishes. Putting down the bowl she had been scrubbing Heather looked up at Thomas.

"Ok fine, I'm being forced to write an article about popularity for the school newspaper. What do you think I should write about?" Her eyes were cold as she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Well that's easy," Thomas grinned. "Write about me." Heather let out a laugh and shook her head turning back to the sink.

"I'm not to sure that will work."

"Maybe not," Thomas sighed with a small chuckle. "But do you at least forgive me?" With a nod of her head Heather released an exasperated sigh.

"Yes, I forgive you."

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