Midorima x Takao: Sick (Part Two)

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"By the way, what were you staying up for?" Midorima asked when Takao had been cured of his slight fever. The two of them were heading to school together as always.

"Oh! Uh... just studying, you know..?" Takao suddenly looked awkward. "H - hey you know what, Shin-chan, let's hurry, or we're going to be late!" Takao quickly started jogging ahead of the emerald-haired shooter.

"Oi, Takao, wait up!" Midorima yelled as he chased after the hawk eye point guard.

Takao couldn't find himself relaxing after that day.

Midorima confessed to him. While he was almost falling asleep.

How could he be so blind (pun not intended)? He knew Shin-chan was weird when they're alone together, but he thought that was how Shin-chan was.

And... Takao was planning to confess first on Midorima's birthday. Yes, Takao had a crush on him since the first year of high school, but could never confess until now.

"It's ok... Shin-chan doesn't know you heard him..." Takao whispered softly to himself. Still, he couldn't stop his heart from pounding like a drum. The next day was July 7, Midorima's birthday. "I need to get my act together..."

July 7. Midorima's birthday. As usual, he listened to Oha-aha's horoscope, feeling more anxious than ever for some reason.

"The first place goes to... Scorpio! You'll be really lucky today! .... Cancer comes in fourth place. As long as you have a stuffed hawk you'll be fine! ...." Midorima tuned out afterwards. Fourth in place wasn't that bad for a birthday boy. "A stuffed hawk, huh... Guess I need to go buy it..." Takao immediately came to his mind and he felt his face going hot. Just then there was a knock on his door.

"Shin-chan, it's me~" Takao's voice came.

"H-hold up, Takao." Midorima couldn't stop himself from stammering and internally cursed himself. After bracing himself he opened the door to find Takao looking... more handsome than before. His hair seemed to be jelled, his usual smile seemed bigger than before, and for some reason his blue eyes shone brighter than he ever saw.

"Takao... did you do something to yourself?"


"Oh, no, nothing. You're early today." Midorima said. "Come in."

"Thanks, Shin-chan!" Takao smiled as usual and went in. An awkward silence followed. Before Midorima could break the unbearable silence, Takao spoke. "Um, happy birthday," Takao said sheepishly and he quickly handed Midorima a neatly wrapped package.

"What..." Midorima looked up surprised to see Takao blushing furiously with an expression he had never seen before. "Um, thanks," he slowly took the package from him.

"Open it." Takao barely whispered. Midorima only nodded and he gently tore the wrapping open to find...

"A stuffed hawk..?" Midorima's eyes widened.

"Yeah.. I was planning to give you that as a prank, and then I realised it was today's lucky item," Takao laughed, the usual laugh, but with a hint of nervousness. "Quite coincidental, isn't it?"

"Yeah..." Midorima was speechless. "... Thanks." It was probably the first time Takao had ever heard a word of appreciation from the shooter, and couldn't help himself to just stare at Midorima, too shocked to even tease him, his mouth slightly agape. Surprisingly, Midorima didn't even bother to defend himself, simply staring back, and quickly looking away after a while with a red face.

It was Midorima who broke the silence first. "...And the horoscope said that it's Scorpio's best day to tell a secret. Do you have one?"

Takao's eyes widened a fraction and simply smiled a small one.

"You're mean, Shin-chan," Takao complained with a teasing expression, but he soon turned serious, after seeing Midorima's irritated look.

"It's a compensation. For my horoscope to not be the best today - nodayo." Midorima stated but Takao could tell he had other motives.

"Alright, alright," Takao threw up his hands as if he gave up, then turned a little serious.

"...I love you, too."

".... Huh?" Midorima thought he was dreaming. But... Takao looked serious, his face as red as Akashi's hair.

Takao smiled awkwardly and looked away. "I heard you confessing to me when I was sick.." Midorima started sputtering but Takao just continued, "And I was really happy. But you didn't know I heard it, and probably didn't want me to hear it, so I didn't say anything. It was kind of a shock because I've been in love with you for quite sometime now, but didn't know you loved me back. So I had decided today was the best day to reply to you. And I.." before Takao could finish, he found himself being squeezed in Midorima's strong embrace.

The warmth of Midorima enveloped him and he felt tears gathering in his eyes, threatening to fall any second. "U - uh... Shin... Shin-chan?"

"You don't have to say anymore," Midorima whispered, his breath hot near Takao's ear. "I... loved you..." Takao couldn't help but smile at the tsundere's attempt, "for a long time, too. I'm glad.. you feel the same way."

Before Takao could say anything else, he saw Midorima's gentle expression, something he rarely saw, as he leaned in and started kissing him. It was gentle, so gentle, as if thanking, blessing, claiming him with pecks, loving words, and Takao closed his eyes, savouring every moment, as tears ran down freely. Midorima loved him back. He had been waiting forever for this moment.

After sometime, Midorima stopped, both of them breathing hard, and leaned his forehead gently to Takao's. Then he gently wiped Takao's tears away, feeling the warmth and smoothness of Takao's cheeks. Takao's lips was just as he imagined, soft, smooth, and sweet like candy. He had just kissed his lover and felt like the happiest man on Earth.

"I love you, Kazunari." Midorima whispered Takao's given name for the second time, blushing like a mad man.

"I love you too, Shin-chan," Takao breathed back, breathless and smiling like an idiot.

And they've been dating ever since.


"Don't be an idiot, Takao. More is always better, nanodayo."

"Yes, Shin-chan, but too much is..."

"Like I said..."

"There they go, arguing again," Miyaji said, exasperated.

"But..." Kimura said, "they look really fitting, don't they?" The two seniors looked back at the arguing couple. The emerald hair looked frustrated, and the shorter black-haired was frowning, both still stating their stand...

But holding hands and sitting really close to each other, within their own lovey-dovey world.

And that's the end! Hope you enjoyed this, MidoTaka is one of my favourite ships :)

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