Aomine x Kise: Love doesn't need a reason.

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A/N: Words with bold and italic are Kise's thoughts. With some reference to the actual anime.

Written in somewhat manga or doujinshi-style.

Photo is not mine, but from Pinterest!

Time: Back to Teiko Middle School days

Length: 2.3k words, the longest I've written!


"Can I try something?"

Is this okay?

That was all Kise could think as Aomine and him sat next to each other in the cinema, Aomine's right hand stretched out for Kise's.

This doesn't make sense. It's only been a month.

Kise sat there for the longest time, thousands of thoughts running through his head.

Is it okay to me to fall even deeper?


It wasn't anything much, and it started with a weird encounter.

Kise was walking past the gym when a ball came out of nowhere and hit him on the head.

"Ouch!!" Kise yelled as he touched the bump on his head that was starting to form, turning to the direction the ball came from. "Careful with that!"

"Sorry, sorry! Could you pass it here?" A guy ran out out the gym with a slightly embarrassed smile, and Kise immediately thought that he was different from other people.

The guy looked around Kise's age, with more tanned skin than other guys he knew. And what made him stand out the most was his blue hair and blue eyes, which reminded Kise of the ocean.

Kise loved the ocean.

"Wait... you're Kise Ryouta!" The guy's eyes lit up in realisation as he pointed at Kise, almost jabbing him with his index finger.

"You know me?" Kise voiced his disbelief, waving away the guy's hand, trying to remember if they had met before.

"Yeah! You're that popular guy from my level, right?" The guy stretched out both his hands for the basketball at Kise's feet. "I'm Aomine Daiki!"

"Nice to meet you!" Kise smiled back as he bent down and passed the ball back to Aomine.

"Thanks! Hey, you should try basketball sometime. It's fun!" Aomine waved to him as he turned, yelled for a friend in the court and passed the ball to him.

Basketball, huh...

Kise absentmindedly watched Aomine as he started playing again, his expression changed from the friendly gaze that he just saw.

It was an intense look. The look of seriousness. The look of genuine passion.

"Aomine-san!" Aomine was passed the ball again, and he dribbled the ball for a minute, moving swiftly pass his defences, before he started to jump.

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