Kiyoshi x Hyuuga: It's just that something about you

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"Look at me."

The more Kiyoshi Teppei said that, the more I couldn't. I'm pinned to my bed, legs tangled, and his hands were on both sides of my body, starring at me with so much intensity I just couldn't look at him.


That did it. I used my last strength to push him away and he almost fell over, stumbling but steadied himself. I would have laughed if he did.

"How many times have I told you NOT to use that name, idiot?!" My cheeks were flushed and my eyes blurred as my spectacles were snatched away, but I could vaguely see the Iron Heart's wide smile.

"Really, you're not honest at all. You actually like it right, Junpei?"

"Stop!!" I yelled, swinging my right hand on instinct and missing poorly. Kiyoshi took no time to pull me towards him instead and enveloped me into a hug, permanently caging me.

"Daho!! Idiot!! Let me go!"

"I won't." His breath was right beside my ear, and I couldn't help but shiver as goosebumps traveled down my spine.


"Call me by my first name."

"Are you insane?!"  I lifted my head to look directly at Kiyoshi, finding myself trap yet again in his intense stare.

"No." Kiyoshi's face was so close to mine I could make out his expression that was hard to describe. His voice was almost choking, his face full of hunger and seriousness I found myself mesmerised. I've only seen this expression a few times. We only just started going out, after all.

My heart skipped an uncomfortable beat in my chest.

Being with him was always a fucking rollercoaster. As the captain, I had to take care of a lot of things. While I'm glad Kiyoshi got appointed vice captain, the result of it didn't make me happy at all. Being such a dork, he made constant and silly mistakes and scolding him would just make it worse. Eventually I gave him the simple role of supporting and reporting if any members had any problems.

Which meant he talked A LOT to the juniors.

Not that it bothered me, because it really didn't. But I've realised the time we spent together was getting lesser and lesser.

There's also that rumour of a pretty girl in his class having a crush on him.

It's hard to admit, but I've been feeling very insecure lately.

"I like you, Junpei." He said it so softly I almost didn't hear him. I felt my face burn almost immediately and stared back at him, unable to say anything as doubts began to fill me.

"I won't leave you. No matter what."

"......But why me?" I decided to ask, which was something on my mind.


A really long silence followed.

"... Because you like Basketball?"

"So does everyone in our basketball team."

"... Because you're cool?"

"Wait, what? Aren't Kuroko and Kagami cooler?"

"You're right actually..."

"You idiot, I'm going to kill you!" I felt my face heat up and I almost punched the idiot again.

"Seriously though, I don't know why. Maybe because it's you." Kiyoshi said it so earnestly I question how did this man even exist.

"But... I'm so normal. And I'm a dude. And I'm either kind or in the clutch zone. And I'm addicted to historical figures. And I'm..."

"Stop, it Junpei, you-"

"You.... deserve someone better." Before I knew it, tears gathered in my eyes, threatening to fall but I kept telling them Don't do it, don't cry in front of him.

Kiyoshi simply looked at me, and gave me the biggest hug.

That did it. Tears still ran down my face like a waterfall. All my emotions that I kept just exploded in front of Kiyoshi. I kept apologising, and he surprisingly didn't say much and continued holding me. "I'm such a mess..."

"But I like you." Kiyoshi whispered, his voice so ever gentle, as he softly wiped my tears away with his warm hands. "Isn't that enough?"


"I think that you're special."

"Huh?" We were sitting and almost to the point of touching each other, but our hands remain to ourselves. I had my spectacles returned to me, and I could finally see the clear, kind and loving expressions on his face.

"You wanted to give up in the past, but you changed your mind and never looked back since that day. And you supported me when you found out about my leg. That's what I like about you."

"But anyone can do that," I replied, although my face was heating up.

"Well...... It's just that something about you." He smiled.

"What's that supposed to mean, idiot?"

"Well... I'm not sure. And actually.... a girl confessed to me the other day."

"What?! What did you say?" I felt my hand sweating and clenched it tightly.

"Haha, I said...." He wrapped his hands around me again, his lips right at my ear.

"That I couldn't be with her, because I have a cute person waiting for me at home."

"You Iron Heart idiot," I scolded, and we laughed together for a long time, his hands interlocked  tightly in mine.


"I like you, Junpei." Kiyoshi smiled and started to kiss me, his lips touching mine hungrily again and again, his big hands squeezing tight around me. I couldn't do anything but melt in his embrace, feeling hot all over my body and my doubts completely disappeared.


"I like you too, Teppei." I smiled, really smiled for the first time.

Well, I guess if Teppei were to ask me what I like about him....

I would also, probably say that, "it's just that something about you".

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