Kagami x Kuroko: Seirin's Light (Part Two)

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A/N: Note that Aomine and Kuroko used to date in middle school (check out AoKuro: Teiko's Shadow). I hope you don't mind this as you read! Thank you and enjoy!


"Kuroko." Large but gentle hands brushed through my hair. The hand belonged to my Light and teammate, Kagami Taiga.

And the love of my life.

I smiled gently. Usually I would be bothered by this, but I let Kagami continue. Something about his touch soothed me and kept my emotions at bay.

We were sitting on the couch together after a tiring day of practice. Our match against Aomine, or Touou Academy, is coming in two days, so all of us were training hard in order to win. Luckily, I didn't get too distracted by my thoughts and focused on our practise, but somewhere at the back of my mind I'm still thinking of our past, of the words he said even when he realised the impact of them.

Your Basketball will never win.

The stroking to my hair stopped, and I looked up to see Kagami staring at me with a slightly serious expression.

"Hey, don't worry about that Aomine," he said, as if reading my thoughts. "We're much stronger now. Besides... you have me on your side." Kagami looked away for a moment, as if embarrassed, but when he looked back at me, his eyes were determined and clear.

"Aren't you already by my side a long time ago?" I asked innocently, back to my usual poker face, but deep down my heart was singing.

"Cheh, you're totally doing this on purpose aren't you..." Kagami looked annoyed for a second, but started blushing the next.

"I... I love you." Kagami looked like he wanted to kill himself for saying such a cheesy line, and yet looked at me in the eye told me so earnestly I couldn't help but smile brightly at him.

"I love Kagami-kun too." I launched myself at Kagami, in which he staggered a little, but managed to catch me.

"I swear, you're gonna be the death of me one day," Kagami said, and started laughing heartily, his laugh a melody to my ears.

"Kagami-kun." Kagami quickly pulled apart to look at me, with his hands still firm on my shoulders, with a questioning gaze. I went back to my slightly serious face. "In Teiko.. Aomine was my light."

"I know that," Kagami cut in.

"Let me finish." I pressed my finger gently to Kagami's lips, which made him shut up. "I used to date him."

"Whoa, really?"

"Yeah. That's why I was so hurt by the things he said, and what he did. But it's all in the past now. What I know is that I have you, and I love you, and I am going to defeat Aomine and let him acknowledge my Basketball."

"Idiot, you mean we." Kagami said.

"Yes, we, Kagami-kun."

Kagami suddenly blushed and hugged me tight, and I quickly hugged him back, feeling his broad back and warm heat.

"Call me Taiga," he whispered, before kissing me gently on my lips.

Before I knew it, tears streamed down my face and onto Ka - Taiga's shirt. All memories of Aomine ran through my mind as if a video.

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