Kagami x Kuroko: Chasing cars

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A/N: What's your favourite ship in Kuroko no Basket? Mine is Midorima x Takao, Aomine x Kagami and Kagami x Kuroko, but I'm open to other ships too.

This is probably the last part of the Kuroko no Basket one shots. Sorry I took so long to finish the stories, I really hope you enjoy them all. I may have more idea in the future, we will see.

Words with bold are lyrics to the above song: Chasing cars by Snow Patrol. I know it's an old song - but it's good, do listen to it!

Time period: After the end of Kuroko no Basket.

Thank you so much for reading!


It's always the same scene. I'm not sure where I am, but everything is dark, and infront of me was a man I recognise.

"I don't need you anymore."

A man with red hair. Kagami.

In my dreams, he's always turning and walking towards the light, and I am always frozen on the spot, unable to do anything or yell at him to stay.

And I'll always wake up right after with tears in my eyes, my right arm outstretched to the ceiling.


After defeating Rakusan, we basically started normal lessons. The next year came, and we lost to Rakusan this time. Without Kiyoshi Teppei, we couldn't win them.

Kagami and I graduated together, and now we practically live together. We spend the weekend together, hanging at his house every chance we could.

And sometimes, I noticed that Kagami would have a faraway look.

The look of wanting to go elsewhere, to spread his wings and fly.

Yet, I as a baby bird still want to stay, in the comfort of our routine, in the comfort of him.

Because once he leaves, what is the use of me?


We'll do it all


on our own

We don't need


Or anyone


"Hey, Alex. What's up?"

Kagami's voice woke me up. I had stayed over at his house again and we planned to sleep in today, but Kagami received a call early in the morning. I opened my eyes a little to see Kagami sitting at the edge of the bed, his expression slightly serious.

"Uh huh."

Kagami turned to me before I could react. I felt his big and warm hand touch my hair, ruffling a little, his eyes gentle while still listening to the conversation on the other side of the phone. He didn't say anything for a while.

"I'll think about it."

Kagami hung up, and I started getting up and stretching. Once Kagami put his phone down, he turned to hug me and give me a short kiss, a routine we do every morning.

"Anything happened?" I asked, curious.

"Yeah... that was Alex." He told me, and I would have never prepared for the words he said next.

"She wants me to go back to America."


I don't quite know

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