Chapter 9

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Felix and Cry arrived the next day. Ethan got Nathe back.

"Is he okay to switch out with you so we can meet him?" Felix asked Ethan.

Ethan sighed and shut his eyes. When they reopened the left eye had an iris-shaped like a gear. The pupil was blue and the whites were black. His right eye was gold and had whites along with a normal pupil.

"You two must be Dark and Die's hosts," he said.

"We are. Is there anything we should know about Anti?" I asked him.

He nodded, "Yes. Anti is not a forced to be reckoned with as you already know. There is one thing bothering me. He refuses to go after this thing he called Virus," he said.

We looked at Cry, "I don't know," he said.

Nathe and Ethan switched back.

"The question is why isn't Anti wanting to go after you?" Felix asked Cry.

"Why do you think I know!?" Cry asked us like he was offended.

"Because you're the host of Virus so you must know something," Ethan told him.

Cry sighed, "Virus disappeared a week or two before Anti ever showed up. I found out he managed to get to the demons home world. He became friends with Anti. We only came here because I wanted to," he explained to us.

"Why didn't you tell us!?" Felix asked him loudly.

"Because I didn't think I needed to! Virus was still willing to help us defeat Anti and save Sean!" Cry yelled.

"I was attacked and Mark was in a coma for a week! Why didn't Virus do anything then!?" Felix yelled back at Cry.

I saw Ethan and he looked conflicted, "Both of you stop! Cry was just doing that he thought was best! He and Virus couldn't have known what was going on! Cry, even if you had thought it was for the best, you should've told them," he said all of a sudden.

"Says the kid who didn't tell us he had a king using his body as a vessel!" Cry said.

"All of you shut up! This is exactly what Anti wants don't you get that! If we start arguing that means longer for him to break down Sean and kill him!" I yelled causing them all to look at me, "We need to figure out how to save Anti. Not argue."

Ethan went over to his computer, "Well he has his phone on him. We can track that and Nathe says Anti likes to trap his hosts in a fake world once their soul is fully broken down, give them a happy death without realizing they die," he said and pulled up a phone tracker, "He wants you three to go in his mind, find Sean, and pull him out. If we pull him out then we break Anti's seal on Sean's soul and mind. It'll weaken Anti. We leave, kick Anti's ass enough to weaken him and let Sean do the rest," he explained.

We all looked at him dumbfounded, "And you two just came up with that?" I asked.

"Uh yes?" he said and we laughed, "Also you'll have twenty-four hours. You'll start on a flight to Ireland."

Ethan turned back to his computer. He kept typing and pressed enter. I gave him Sean's number and after typing a few things he found him.

"He's at an abandoned school in Seattle, Washington," he said and I nodded.

We all packed a small bag and let Amy, Signe, and Tyler know where we were going. We got on an airplane that night and got to Seattle shortly after. It was almost midnight but that didn't matter to us. Ethan led us to the abandoned elementary school. The tracker led us to behind the school.

"It took you four long enough," Anti said and we saw him standing on the roof.

I sighed and saw Ethan and Nathe switch out. The world around us disappeared.


I sent them into the world Anti had created for Sean. Anti jumped down from the roof.

"That was clever you bastard," Anti said and I scoffed.

I cracked my fingers and neck, "You harmed your vessel one too many times Anti," I said.


A black void surrounded us and a door was right there. It was green and had a huge septic eye Sam on it. It also seemed to be cracking. We walked closer and a plaque with Sean's name on it was on it.

"Guys," Felix said and I looked at him.

He was pointing to a large line of shattered doors, "All of Anti's old vessels," Cry said.

"They're gone now. We need to focus on Sean," I said and walked to the door, placing my hand on the knob.

We looked at each other, "We have twenty-four hours. We should start at his apartment in Ireland first. We can do this," I said.

They nodded and I opened the door. We stepped through, was blinded by a light, then saw we were on a flight. We landed in Ireland and headed to Sean's apartment. When we got there Sean answered the door.

"Mark? Felix? Cry? What are you doing here?" he asked.

I checked the date, "We wanted to surprise you for your birthday," I lied.

He smiled, "Cool. Come on in, I just finished editing a video," he said.

We walked in and I could smell something cooking, "Where's Signe?" Felix asked.

"Who?" Sean asked with a confused look on his face.

"Nevermind," Felix said quickly.

He nodded out of confusion. Cry walked past us up to Sean.

"Hey, do you know anything about Antisepticeye?" Cry asked him.

Sean looked at Cry, "Anti? What about him? He's long gone, remember?" he said.

We looked at each other, "Sean he isn't gone. This is a false world created by him so you can live your last day in peace," I explained to him.

He laughed, "Very funny. Anti along with Dark, Die, and Virus disappeared when you three took Anti down," he said.

'Dark you there?' I asked him.

'Always am.' he said and I sighed.

I saw Felix and Die switch. I did as well.


"Anti is winning, Sean. If we don't find a way to get you out of this false world in 24 hours then you die," Die explained to him.

"You still have a life out there. Signe, all your friends, your family," I said.

"Who the hell is Signe?" Sean asked us.

I saw Cry pull out his phone and search something. He held his phone in front of Sean. I and Mark switched back.


"This is Signe. She's your girlfriend. Why don't you remember her?" Cry asked him, showing him a picture from her Instagram account.

Sean rubbed his neck, "I don't know. She looks vaguely familiar but I have no idea who she is," he told us.

I saw Felix on his phone and he pulled me to the side as Cry and Sean continued to talk.

"What?" I asked him.

"Signe died. I decided to search it. I have a feeling that to protect Sean from going crazy with guilt Nathe wiped his memory in the universe. Hell, none of his fans even remember them dating. They wiped all his fans memory, his memory, Signe's family of them ever dating memories. Any record of them dating has been erased," Felix said and I looked at his phone.

"Does it say how she died?" I asked him.

He scrolled, "She died from trauma to the skull. Get this, she was pregnant at the time of her death but the fetus wasn't developed enough to get the father's DNA and her family has no idea who it could've been. Mark they were going to have a child," Felix said and I sighed.

Markiplier and Darkiplier VS AntiSepticEyeWhere stories live. Discover now