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"Mom! Dad!"

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"Mom! Dad!"

"Gemma, honey, you're so flushed. And you're panting really hard. Are you okay?"

"Don't w-worry mom, a-all is a-okay."

"Okay, good..."

"Well, aren't you going to say hi to your favorite aunt-who's-not-really-your-aunt?"

"Oh, hey Auntie Celeste and husband."

"Small child."

"Glad to see you too, but I need to talk to my parents. Have you talked to any set of parents since we got here? And if you have, can you tell me who?"

"The only people we've talked to since we got here, besides you, are Celeste and Finch."

"Wait... so you mean to tell me that the Garcia's are the only people you've talked to?"

"Yep. Is there a problem with that, honey?"

"Just give me a moment to think things through."





"If mom and dad were only talking to the Garcia's that must mean that Outcast is..."

"Tripp. In the flesh."


Ooh, intense, am I right?

Just to clarify, the underlined person is Celeste, Harper's best friend (refer to Misfits) and the italicized underlined text is her husband. I will probably be doing a conversation book about them after this ;)

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