Chapter 1

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10 years later

Ashton's POV

I heard my alarm clock go off, but that's not what woke me up. My bedroom door opened and the next thing I knew, a little body plopped down on mine.

" Ash, Ash, Ash."

I opened one of my eyes and to see Aurora, my nine year old sister mere inches from my face. She giggled and said,

" Morning Ashy," then she kissed my cheek.

" Morning baby girl, but you have exactly three seconds before I tickle you to death for waking me up."

She got up from me and bolted out of the door screaming, " Daddy, Dre, Aid help, Ashy's going to kill me! " I chuckled and ran after her. When I reached to where I thought she would be, I saw Dad, Adrian, and Aiden trying to hold back laughs.

'' Has anyone seen Aurora? "

I got for no's. Four? I looked over to where Aiden was sitting to see Aurora curled up in his lap trying to hide. So that's where it came from, cheeky little girl. I snuck up behind Aiden motioning for him to be quiet with my finger. When I reached him, I grabbed Aurora out of his lap and began to tickle her.

" N-o ple-ase, Ashy stop! "

" No, this is pay back! "

'' I just wa-nted to say good-mor-ning! ''

I stopped to look down at her, watching as she tried to catch her breath. I kissed her forehead then sat her down. I watched amused as she ran back to Aiden and his lap. When she was seated again she crossed her arms and pouted. All I could think was "Uh-oh." This was a sign that she was going to start ignoring me. When Aurora ignores you, it's never a good thing. I walked back over to Aiden and knelt beside his seat to look at her.

'' Baby girl, you know I hate it when you start to ignore me."

What I saw broke my heart. Aurora looked at me just as tears started to roll down her face, I mentally groaned. I look around and everybody was giving me " Fix it " looks. I stood up and picked up Aurora and brought her to the living room. I sat down on the couch with her in my arms and she curled into me burying her face in my neck.

" Baby girl, why are you crying? I know it's not cause I tickled you."

When I said that she started to sob and my heart clenched at the sound and her shaking body. In a broken voice she said,

'' Every morning I wake you up the same way and every morning you do the same thing, but you and the boys might not be here tomorrow so I can't. "

I shifted her so I could look at her face, her big brown eyes stared back up at me. We've never been away from her for more than a couple of hours because one: she'd always cry non-stop and two: we'd miss the little devil like crazy. Looking at her I knew what she felt.

Adrian's POV

I watched as Ashton carried little Auror to the living room. I turned back to Dad and Aiden.

" I bet $20, she's crying because we might not me here tomorrow morning. ''

Aiden sighed and said,

'' Saying bye to her is going to be hard.''

Ashton's POV

Aurora was sitting on Dad's lap as we stood in front of her. We had to leave in about 30 minutes but she would not talk to us.

'' Aurora sweetie, talk to your brothers before they leave.''

'' Ok daddy. ''

She got off Dad's lap and came to stand in front of me. She's so little so I had to get down on my knees.

" I'm going to miss you Ashy," her little voice said as tears started rolling down her face.

" Baby girl, please don't do this, it's all ready hard enough. " I wiped her tears aways and kissed her forehead. Adrian and Aiden did the same thing.

'' We will be back tomorrow little one, ok? " Adrian said, still kneeling in front of her.

" Promise?"

" We promise," we said together.

Were we wrong that night.

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