Chapter 2

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Aurora's POV (5 years later...age 15)

I was sitting in my room thinking about the last day I saw my brothers. They had promised me that they would be back, they promised. Thinking back to that day, I remember my reaction when I went to go check their rooms.


After checking their rooms, Aurora just thought they would wait for in the kitchen. She ran downstairs so excited to see her brothers. When she got to the kitchen her boys weren't there, only daddy.

" Hi daddy, where are the boys? "

Daddy sighed and looked at Aurora, " Come here baby." Aurora went to him and climbed in his lap.

" Baby there's a lot you don't know about your brothers. I wish I could tell you and I wish it was my place to tell you but I can't and it's not. Just know that they love you and everything they do is for you and you can never, under no circumstances, forget that. Ohkay?"

Aurora was very wise for her age. She undestood what her father was trying to tell her but all she wanted was her boys.

'' I understand daddy but why aren't they here like they promised? Where are they?"

Her dad paused. He knew that his little girl would be hurt deeply by this but he tried to reassure himself that one day she would understand.

" They won't be back for a while," he told her.

" Why? Did I do something wrong? Tell them I'm sorry," she cried.

Her dad closed his eyes. He knew that this woould happen someday, he just wished he could have prepared her better for it. Now, at 10 years old she was going to have her first heartbrake by three men. Three men he wished he could seriously throttle right now.

" You did nothing wrong, nothing at all."

*End of flashback*

I didn't get much out of daddy after that. I could tell it was frustrating him that he couldn't tell me more about what was going on and why my boys suddenly disappeared. I walked out of my room and down the stairs, headed towards the kitchen. When I walked into the kitchen I saw daddy sitting at the table drinking coffee and eating a bagel.

"Morning daddy"

"Morning baby, how are you?" He asked me this every morning when I came downstairs. We never got rid of none of the boys things so every time I see something of theirs I get really sad. This includes where they sat at the table too.

I gave him a small smilr, "I'm fine daddy." He smiled and went back to eating. I stared at him some more then noticed something.

I burst out laughing, "Daddy, there's cream cheese all in your beard. Are you trying to save some for later?" He looked at me, norrowed his eyes, and blushed. Aaah. I made daddy blush! 

"Shutup Aurora," he mumbled.

Still laughing, I got up and walked up to him and kissed his cheek, "See you later daddy."

"Bye baby girl." I flinched as the name came out of his mouth and as tears gathered in my eyes. Daddy noticed his mistake, stood up and immediately pulled me into his arms. " Shit, I'm sorry sweetie. Please don't cry."

I sniffed and wiped my eyes, ''It's okay," I whispered. He kissed my forehead and I walked out of the door.

Daddy's POV

I watched as my little girl walked out of the door. I sighed and felt like kicking myself for letting that slip. I hated seeing her hurt, I felt so helpless. I know that she hurts everyday because her brothers' aren't there and I hate it. She trys to hide it from me but it's no use, I know my daughter. I wish for just one day that she was truly happy. When she laughed and smiled her brown eyes,so much like her mother's, would sparkle. She needs her boys, her brothers'. Only they can feel the void and empty part that they left in her heart.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the phone ring.

" Hello"

There was a pause. " Dad," the voice of one of my sons said, "we're coming home."


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