Sibling bonding

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I saw this picture on the Internet and wanted to make a story about it.

Ezra had been feeling quite down lately.
He didn't know if it was because he didn't like seeing Kanan blind.
Or if Zeb was picking on him too much lately.
Whatever it was, he was depressed.
One afternoon, Hera, Kanan and Chopper went out leaving Zeb, Sabine and Ezra in charge.
They sat at the Dejark table, wondering what to do.
Zeb drummed his claws on the table, Sabine looked at the ceiling. And Ezra stared blankly at the floor, lost in his depressed thoughts.
Sabine and Zeb noticed the kid's absence to the world and thought it was quite strange.
They had seen the teen becoming more and more antisocial, and wanted to know why.
They hadn't seen him smile for days.
Sabine and Zeb looked at one another.
"Ezra?" Sabine asked.
Ezra looked over at her from the corner of his eye.
"Yeah?" He replied flatly.
"Are you feeling okay?" She said, getting more concerned.
"Fine" Ezra mumbled.
"You don't sound fine" Zeb commented.
"Well I feel fine. Isn't that enough?" Ezra said. He hated lying to them, he definitely felt misreable but he didn't want them to know.
"Kid. Don't make us force it out of you" Sabine told him.
Ezra raised a brow.
"I can make you talk" Zeb said cracking his knuckles. Ezra felt no fear of the Lasat's threat.
"Do you two have to know?" He asked.
"Yes" Sabine and Zeb said in sync.
Ezra ran a hand over his head with a sigh.
"Okay, you got me. I've been feeling depressed lately and I don't know why. I can't sleep well either. It's like I'm tired, but I'm restless at the same time."
Sabine and Zeb glanced at one another with concern.
"I don't know what's wrong with me, but I want it to stop."
"Did you feel better after talking about it?" Sabine asked standing and sitting next to Ezra.
"Yeah. Kinda" Ezra said quietly.
Sabine bit her lip.
"Kid. Is there something else you're not telling us?"
Ezra glanced at Sabine nervously.
"No. Nothing else" he said a little too quickly.
Sabine's concerned gaze turned into a mischievous one.
"Do I have to force it out of you?" She asked.
"What are you gonna do? Punch me in the gut until the confession comes out?" Ezra asked. No emotion on his face.
Sabine winked at Zeb who caught on and a grin found its way onto his face.
"No. I'm not going to do that. I'm going to do this!"
Zeb at once grabbed Ezra round he middle and dragged him to the floor.
"Oi! What gives Zeb?!" Ezra snapped standing.
At once, Zeb grabbed Ezra's arms and held them above his head.
Sabine came over and grinned at Ezra.
"Now what? You going to beat me up?" Ezra asked raising a brow with a small smile.
"Nope! Guess again" Sabine grinned coming closer, so their noses were almost touching.
Ezra felt heat rise in his face at their closeness, and the smile disappeared.
Then Sabine drew away and placed her hands on his sides.
As soon as she did that, Ezra knew immediately what he was in for.
"Wait Sabine! I'll tell you! Just don't do it!" Ezra yelped struggling at Zeb's firm grip. He wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.
"Oh we don't just want to know your second problem Ezra. You haven't smiled in days! I think it's time you do!" Sabine grinned evily before digging her fingers into his sides.
Ezra immediately gave in and broke into fits of adorable giggles. 
"There we go!" Zeb laughed as a huge smile grew on Ezra's face.
"There's the expression we missed!"
"Zeheheheb! Yohohoh dumb anhahahimal! lehehehet mehehehe goooo!" Ezra yelled, giggling uncontrollably.
"For that insult, you're going to be stuck in this position for even longer kid!" Zeb chuckled.
Sabine was worming her fingers all over Ezra's torso.
But she then decided to go for his weak spot.
As soon as she tickled his armpits, Ezra's laughter became hysterical and he lost all sense of dignity.
Sabine smirked at Ezra's desperate pleas for mercy.
He was helpless and vulnerable to tickling.
"Just be glad the Empire doesn't know your weakness Ezra!" Sabine giggled.
"Because if they questioned you about our Rebel cells and used tickle torture, you would be broken in five seconds flat!"
"SHUHAHAHDUP!" Ezra cried, teas streaming down his face.
Zeb grinned at his 'little brother' with amusement. This was definitely one way to cheer up Ezra. And to make him smile.
Sabine wiped away Ezra's tears, and stopped tickling the poor boy senseless.
She nodded to Zeb who let go of Ezra and he collapsed to the ground.
"Screw you both" Ezra panted still smiling.
"Oh, for that we might continue" Sabine said.
Ezra pulled out his blaster and set it to stun.
"Come another step closer and I'll​ shoot!" He threatened playfully.
Sabine and Zeb grinned.
"You couldn't hit a Stormtrooper if he stood completely still!" Zeb teased.
"You wanna bet on that?"  Ezra laughed standing.
Zeb grinned and slapped the gun away from Ezra.
Before the boy could use the Force to grab it, the Lasat grabbed Ezra and Sabine and put them in headlocks.
"Zeb!" Ezra cried laughing struggling to get on the of his family's grip.
Sabine pushed against the Lasat's strong arms, laughing with Ezra.
Zeb eventually let them go and the threesome plonked onto the couch with sighs of contentment.
"So Ezra. What were you going to tell us?" Zeb asked after a while.
Ezra, who's eyes had been closing, snapped open.
"Well, um...You see the thing is-"
"Ezra? Do we have to go through the tickle torture again?" Sabine scolded.
"No! It's just.......this is personal" he whispered.
Sabine and Zeb glanced at one another.
"It's about you Sabine" he mumbled.
Sabine's eye brows shot up in surprise.
"Well now I gotta know" she said.
"Ever since you took your helmet off in front of me and told me your name. I felt something and I couldn't ignore it. I.....I love you Sabine. And I will never stop loving you till the day I die."
Sabine looked at her hands with love and embarrassment.
Zeb just sat there in pure shock and Ezra bit his lip nervously.
"I'll be in my room" he said after a while of awkward silence.
"Ezra wait!" Sabine suddenly standing.
She kissed him on the lips and hugged him.
"I love you too" she whispered.
Ezra couldn't keep the soft smile off his face as he hugged her back.
Zeb just sat there staring like he'd seen a humongous waffle.
Sabine drew away and smiled at Ezra who returned the expression.
"Thank you" Ezra said.
"For what?" Sabine asked.
Ezra hugged her​ again.
"For telling me you love me" Ezra whispered.

Awwww! I smiled all the way through proof reading this! My heart warmed. I love family bonding moments between the Ghost siblings!
Stay tuned for more!

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲


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