He got a tuba

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Inspiration comes from the video above

"It's been three days!" Ezra said in frustration, putting his fork through his waffles.

"Still can't figure it out.

"What can't he figure out?" Sabine asked Hera.

"Ezra's had part of a song stuck in his head and he can't remember which song it was."

"Kid? Mind humming the song?"

Ezra did so but Sabine had no clue. No one else did either.

~ Time skip

It was late at night on Yavin. Zeb, Sabine and Chopper had gone out on a supply run which left Kanan, Hera and Ezra on the Ghost. Kanan was exhausted because he'd spent the entire afternoon teaching Ezra and he lay in bed with Hera. Ready for sleep. However one thing stopped him. The soft sound of piano came through the walls from Ezra's room. Ezra was trying to recall the song and had been doing so for almost half an hour.

"Oh my Force he won't stop" Hera groaned.

"Can't you do something?" 

"I've taken care of him all day you do it" Kanan mumbled sleepily.

"Hey who got the gum out of his hair this morning?" Hera asked.

"What do you want a medal, it was your gum" Kanan told her.

Hera groaned before getting up. 

"Fine" she growled.

"I love you" Kanan smiled after her.

"What cares?" Hera rolled her eyes.

She left the room and went to Ezra's cabin.

"What are you doing in my room?" Kanan heard Ezra ask than the sound of piano keys came.

"How are you so strong?!" Ezra cried making Kanan smirk.

"There problem solved" Hera said entering the cabin and placing a small keyboard on the mediation seat.

She got back on the bunk beside Kanan and silence fell through the Ghost. Suddenly, a deep blasting sound echoed through the halls. Both adults eyes opened and Hera glanced at Kanan for an explanation.

"Oh yeah, he got a tuba on our last supply run" Kanan recalled turning over.

Hera slapped her forehead hard.

I know it's completely random but I wanted to write it

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