Chasing away the bad dreams

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This part is dedicated to SWRart who wanted more Kanera. 😃 Enjoy!

Betrayal. Fear. Sadness.
The three things I remembered when I ran from Ryloth.
I tried to focus on fixing Chopper, the little astromech I pulled from the wreckage of a Y-WING. But with all the tears streaming down my face, my vision was blurry.
The oranage droid warbled in concern.
He put his metal arms on my shoulders and comforted me.
I wrapped my arms around Chopper and cried.
Why did my mother have to die?
Why did my father have to make Ryloth's freedom more important than me?
I looked into the black circuits that were Chopper's eyes.

Why did the Empire have to take over?

Hera woke with a start.
Breathing fast.
With a swallow, she recalled her dream.
The memory of when she left her home.
To learn how to fly and bring hope.
She looked up when the door hissed.
Kanan stood there. Looking concerned.
"Hera?" He asked.
"Are you okay?"
He then noticed the Twe'lik's red eyes and went over.
She quickly dried her face when she realised she had been crying in her sleep.
Kanan sat beside her.
"What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?"
Hera nodded without saying a word. 
Kanan slipped his fingers under her chin and turned her face towards his.
"What about?"
Hera sighed and dropped her gaze.
"It was a memory from the time I ran from Ryloth."
Kanan's cyan eyes filled with concern for his Twe'lik.
He pulled her into a side hug and she rested her head on his shoulder.
They sat like that for many minutes.
"Why'd you even come in here?" Hera asked after a while.
"I felt your fear and pain through the Force. I was meditating and wanted to see if you were okay."
"I'll an adult Kanan. You don't need to worry about me" Hera said with a small smile.
"I always worry about you. That's just the way it is" Kanan replied.
Hera smiled softly.
"You'd best get some more sleep" Kanan told her.
"But what if I have another bad dream?" Hera asked.
"I'll be right here. If I'm allowed to stay that is."
"Of course."
The Jedi and Twe'lik lay down on the bunk.
Kanan wrapped his arms around her and she did the same to him.
"I'll always chase away the bad dreams Hera" Kanan whispered kissing her forehead.
"I love you."
"I love you too Caleb Dume" Hera said softly.
They fell asleep in each others arms.

Suggestions are appreciated and welcome.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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