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Note: this is gonna be a short one shot

Ezra exhaled in relief as he finished up on fixing the kitchen sink. The water hadn't been coming through the pipe so he'd decided to fix that. After at least an hour's work, he'd finished. Closing the cabinet and putting his tools away, Ezra stood and left the kitchen. He'd only just walked a few steps when a clattering bang came from Hera's room. Ezra's eyes widened as he remembered that he'd set up a prank for the Twe'lik. By the sounds of things, it'd worked. Deciding this was a good time to run, Ezra bolted towards the ramp. He slid down the ladder and saw Sabine sorting through crates. She looked up as Ezra came down and gave him a look.

"Getting into trouble a little early today, aren't we Ezra?" She smiled.

"Trouble? No way, you're only in trouble if you get caught" Ezra replied.

"EZRA!" Hera's voice yelled through the Ghost.

"I'm in trouble" Ezra gulped.

"Yeah, you might wanna run" Sabine advised.

"That's what I was going to do" Ezra said before sprinting down the ramp towards the forest of Yavin.

Sabine watched him go before chuckling and turning back to her job.

Anyone who can tell me where the:

"Getting into trouble a little early today?"


"You're only in trouble if you get caught"

references come from will get a cookie and a hug

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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