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The Ghost flew across Kameno's ocean. The crew were looking for a group of their ships that had gone missing on a mission.
They'd been searching for hours but no sign of the pilots or spacecrafts were anywhere.
"This is taking too long" Hera sighed.
"Ezra. Sabine. I want you to take an A-WING each and spread out. We'll cover more ground that way" she said turning to the two rebels behind her.
"On it" Sabine nodded.
"Last one to the hold had the clean the Phantom for a week!" Ezra yelled already speeding out the door.
"Oi! Not fair!" Sabine called after him running behind him.
Two A-WING's​ soared from the ramp of the Ghost.
"I'll scout the west side" Ezra said.
"Okay. Be back here in an hour and if you get into trouble com me. Okay​?" Hera asked.
Ezra turned his ship to the side and took off in the south direction.

A storm was beginning to brew after fifteen minutes of searching.
Ezra was starting to lose hope as there was no sign of the rebellions ships.
"Ezra? Ezra come in" Hera's voice came from the com.
"I'm here Hera. What is it?"
"Sabine spotted a squadron of TIE fighters heading in your direction. I need you back here now."
"But what about the pilots?" Ezra protested.
"We'll continue the search later. Now come back."
"On my way."
Ezra turned the ship and flew back to the Ghost. He was almost back when six TIE fighters flew from the clouds.
"Karabast!" Ezra exclaimed.
He just managed to turn the ship away from the lasers sent his way.
He flew away from where the Ghost was. He couldn't ​lead them to the others! He'd have to outrun them.
Ezra grunted as his ship did a barrel roll to avoid being blasted.
Suddenly, a laser hit his engines.
With a yell, his ship fell and hit the water.
Ezra quickly got out from the pilot seat, used his lightsaber to cut through the glass, and swam up to the surface.
With a gasp, he clutched onto a floating log, watching the TIE's fly out of sight.
Looking down at his com, he saw the water had buggered it.
With a shaky sigh, he held on to the tree branch and prayed the others would find him.

Hera looked at the control panel.
"Anything?" Kanan asked sitting beside her.
"Nothing. He should be back by now" Hera said.
"Maybe the TIE's got him?" Sabine suggested.
"He would have been blown up if they had" Zeb reasoned.
"Don't say that" Hera said with a grimace.
"We have to go look for him. Something's wrong. I can sense it" Kanan said.
"Agreed" Hera nodded turning the Ghost to Ezra's last known location.

Ezra floated, shivering in the cold waters of Kameno.
He'd been there for fifteen minutes.
He was getting hypothermia as the sea worsened. Rain fell from the dark clouds, as waves grew bigger.
Closing his eyes, he shook violently.
"Help" he whispered.
"Anyone. Please help."

Kanan had a hand on Hera's shoulder and his other raised to shoulder height.
"He's here somewhere" he muttered.
"I know it."
"There's nothing on my scanner" Hera said.
"You don't always need to scan something to know it's there" Kanan told her.
The Ghost flew on. Searching for their lost crew member.

Ezra coughed as a large quantity of water got into his mouth.
He was freezing, wet and starting to black out.
He looked up fearfully as a massive wave looked over him.
With a roar, it plunged on to him.
Ezra couldn't hold on, he let go of the branch and sank into the chilled depths of the water. Eyes closing as two blinding lights covered him as he drowned.

Sabine dove into the water and swam down.
Grabbing Ezra's hand, she pulled him up to the surface. Zeb took hold of her and the boy and pulled them on to the ramp of the Ghost.
They took Ezra into the entry hall.
He was still, not moving or breathing.
"Ezra. Come on. You can't be..."
Sabine didn't want to finish​ her sentence.
She began compressing on the young Jedi's chest.
"Ezra. Please."
Sabine opened his mouth and blew air into his lungs before continuing to press.
She didn't care she'd just put her mouth on his. All she cared about was getting him to breathe.
Zeb watched helplessly from the corner.
Kanan and Hera slid down the ladder and stared at the sight in front of them with concern.
Ezra was still showing no signs of life.
Sabine stopped compressing and placed her ear on his chest.
No heart beat.
Breaking into tears, Sabine sobbed into Ezra's chest.
"Ezra" she whispered through her crying.
Hera turned into Kanan and hugged him, burying her face in his chest.
Kanan put his arms around her and felt a deep ache inside him.
Ezra was gone.
Chopper warbled sadly and held onto Hera's fingers with his little metal hand.
Sabine sniffed as her tears began to slow down.
She didn't want to believe it, but she didn't think she had a choice...
Bubumb..bubumb bubumb bubumb bubumb​...
Sabine gasped and looked down on Ezra.
Suddenly, he began coughing.
Sabine turned him on his side quickly where Ezra vomited up water.
Hera gasped with delight and gazed upon her son.
Ezra finished his hacking fit and sighed.
Rolling on to his back he looked up at Sabine weakly.
"Am I dead?" He whispered with a faint grin.
Sabine slapped him before kissing him on the lips.
"You are the most biggest, stupidest goofball I've ever met" she told him with a giggle as she drew away.
"Does that mean you love me?" Ezra asked.
"With all my heart."
The others crammed in for a group hug.
Ezra smiled round at them.
"So I didn't drown?" He asked.
"No. Sabine saved your life kid" Kanan replied.
"Thanks Sabine" Ezra smile at him.
The Mandalorin lightly punched his arm with a smile.
"Yeah yeah. Your welcome" she said helping him up.
He leaned against her and Kanan for support.
They took him to the common room to get dry and warm.

I've always wanted to write something like this.
What'd you think of it?

Star-Wars-Dragons​ out 🐲

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