The darkness is my only friend

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Warning, this will be sad. I wanted to make a sad story for a change. I'm sorry to those who don't like it. I just felt like doing this.

Ezra trudged to his room. Pain, guilt, anger and sadness weighing heavily in his heart.
He and Kanan had just gotten back from Malacore.
Kanan was blind and Ahsoka was gone.
He hated how he came out unscathed.
He wished with all his heart things would go back to normal. That this was a horrid nightmare he would just wake up from, but no. He was trapped in a time so dark, he felt like red and black were the only colours in the galaxy. Black and red were the colours of the Siths lightsabers. The colours of their temple. The colours of his pain. 
He locked his cabin door behind him.
Turning round, he sank to the floor, leaning against the wall.
Tears welled in his eyes.
Why was it always him who never got affected?
Kanan had lost his Master and sight.
Sabine had lost her family and clan.
Zeb had lost his people and home.
Hera had lost her mother and her father.
Rex had lost his friends and now Ahsoka.
Why? Why was it always him who didn't lose everything?
Sure he'd lost his parents. But that was nothing compared to the troubles of his crew.
He pulled the Sith Holocron out from his belt bag and stared at it.
His anger fueled him.
His pain powered him.
He closed his eyes and gripped the Holocron tightly.
Concentrating hard, he let the Dark side consume him.
A deep cold filled his heart as the Holocron opened.
The cold spread to every part of his body.
He was drowning in it. The Dark side swallowing him as he opened the box.
He opened his eyes, breathing heavily.
His blue pupils were red from the glow of the Holocron.
"I will never let my friends get hurt again" he promised himself.
"Tell me what to do" he said to the box.
There was no means of going back now.
Ezra didn't want to.
He wanted to protect his family from harm.
No matter the cost.

"The darkness is my only friend" he whispered.

I'm sorry if you don't like this. I wanted to do something different for a change.
Did I make you cry?

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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