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Kanan and Hera were running to the randavu point with Stormtroopers right behind them.
"When you said that was going to be an 'easy mission' you didn't mention we were going to be chased by Imperial forces" Kanan told Hera.
"Oh shut up" the Twe'lik said blasting a few of the bucketheads.
Hera and Kanan ran to the Ghost that was flying towards them. (Chopper was controling it.) 
"Hera! Get on the Ghost!" Kanan yelled pulling out his blaster.
"What about you?" The Twe'lik called over her shoulder.
"Just do what I tell you!"
Hera reluctantly jumped on to the ramp while Kanan blasted the last of the Stormtroopers.
He was running back to the Ghost when he felt a sharp pain across his hand. He grunted in pain and looked over to see a sharp edge on a building.
Using the Force to jump onto the ramp, Kanan break rolled across the entry hall of the Ghost.
The ship flew away from the planet and jumped into hyperspace.
"That was close" Kanan panted as he walked into the cockpit.
"Yeah it was...what's that?" Hera asked noticing red liquid dripping from Kanan's left hand.
"Oh uh..." Kanan just realised he was hurt.
"Come here" Hera said grabbing Kanan's wrist and yanking him to the Ghost's medic bay.
"Hera, I'm fine..." Kanan tried to say but Hera glared at him. "No you're not. Bloods running down your hand like a waterfall" she snapped.
Once they reached the medic bay, Hera took Kanan's hand in hers. She pulled off Kanan's glove and wiped the blood off his palm. A long cut was ripped across Kanan's hand. The Jedi bit his lip. He didn't realise how badly he was injured.
Hera cleaned the wound before grabbing the bandages.
"Hera it's nothing I've had worse" Kanan tried to say but the Twe'lik cut him off.
"It dosen't matter if you've had worse what matters is that you got hurt" she said steely.
"What if next time it isn't a bruise or small cut? What if it's something serious?"
Hera suddenly looked at the ground and lost her angry expression.
"I can't bear the thought of living life without out you. It'd be too hard."
Kanan gripped her hand making Hera look up at him.
"Hera, do you think about life like that a lot?"
Hera bit her lip.
"I try not to, but with the fight we're battling I have to prepare myself if you die one day. But I can't imagine my world without you in it. You make me who I am."
Kanan felt his mouth open slightly at Hera's words and hugged her tightly.
"I promise I'll always be here for you Hera" he whispered.
"And thats a promise I'll never break."

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