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So I got this idea from watching Heroes of Mandalore enjoy!

Ezra lay underneath the Gauntlet control panel, fixing the steering. It had been malfunctioning lately so he decided to deal with it. Chopper stood a few feet away from him, next to a tool box.

"Hey Chop, mind getting the hydrospanner for me please?" Ezra asked.

Chopper got the requested item out and put it in Ezra's outstretched hand.

"Thanks buddy" Ezra said.

Chopper warbled a question.
"I don't know when we'll be heading home buddy, but all I can say is we'll go back in a day or so. Sabine's with her father and they haven't seen each other in years. I don't blame her for wanting to stay here" Ezra told the droid.

Ezra, Sabine, Kanan and Chopper were on Krownest while Sabine's father got settled in. Silence fell between the two before Chopper said something else making Ezra sigh.

"I won't deny I'm a little jealous of Sabine. She has her whole family back and a clan of people who care about her" Ezra replied.

Chopper beeped making Ezra smile.

"Yeah, your right. I have you, Kanan, Hera, Zeb and everyone in the rebellion as family. I just wish my parents were still alive."

Chopper warbled sympathetically, a rare emotion from the little astromech. But he knew Ezra still longed for his mother and father. It had been almost two years since he'd gotten the news his parents were dead, but the subject still hurt him. The sound of the door opening caught Ezra and Chopper's attention. Sabine stood in the doorway.

"Hey Sabine" Ezra greeted.

"Hey" the Mandalorin replied.

The boy looked back at the underside of the control panel and continued to screw the bolts in place.

"How's your dad?" He asked.
"Settling in okay. I still can't believe he's back" Sabine answered sitting on a chair.

"Yeah well, it's all thanks to you he's home."

"What? No, you helped too" Sabine said.

"Huh, barely."

"Ezra you were the one who saved my dad from those Imperial tanks. If you hadn't, my father would've gone off that cliff" Sabine said.

"Yeah well," Ezra slid out from underneath the dashboard and stood up.

"It was my job wasn't it?"

He wiped his glove across his cheek creating a smudge mark. Sabine noticed this immediately and got a cloth from the control panel. She brushed it across Ezra's face making him step back slightly.


"You've got a mark, give me a second" Sabine told him.

Ezra waited patiently as the Mandalorin cleaned him up.   
"There, wouldn't have known it happened" she said, stepping back.

"Thanks" Ezra said putting the hydrospanner back in the tool box and closing the lid.

Locking it, Ezra picked up the container and put it on a shelf. Sabine watched, She'd known Ezra for almost three years. So she could read his emotions like a book. She could tell something was bothering him.

"What's wrong?" She asked, skeptical.


"You know what I'm talking about Bridger."

Ezra looked at Sabine with a raised eyebrow.

"Sabine I'm fine."

Sabine gazed at Ezra steely which made the Jedi feel a little uncomfortable. Chopper, who was still in the cockpit, sneakily went into the controls and made the ship lift off the ground and move around a bit. This put both teens out of balance and they both fell with yelps. Chopper unplugged after he landed the ship.

"Chopper!" Sabine growled as the droid laughed and rolled out of the room.

Sabine rolled her eyes and looked down, but what met her gaze, made her eyes widen. Ezra watched Chopper go with a glare before looking up and felt his heart stop. Sabine was on top of him, hands above his shoulders. A faint blush lit up Ezra's cheeks as Sabine's amber pupils stared into his night blue eyes. For a long while, they stayed like that. Frozen in place, just staring at one another. Ezra's mind was numb as he got lost in Sabine's eyes, the carmel brown pupils of hers were captivating. It was the same way with Ezra's eyes. Sabine looked at them and realised how unique and special they were. Ezra was different from others. Not just because of his personality but also because of his eyes. Sabine had never seen ones like Ezra's before. They were one of a kind.

"Sabine, the reason I'm off is because I'm a little envious of you. You have your parents. You have your brother and you have a tribe of people who care about you. Me? I'm an only child" Ezra told her softly.

"What are you talking about? You have the Rebellion and the Ghost crew" Sabine said.

"I mean blood family."

Sabine looked at Ezra in concern before exhaling.

"Blood family can be anyone you want it to be. Me? I consider you more than family or a friend as a matter of fact."

"W-What? What are you saying?" Ezra asked.

Sabine smiled before dipping her head.

"Maybe this will answer your question."

Before Ezra knew it, Sabine's lips were on his. His heart leapt and the mind numbing sensation came back. Pure bliss filled both teens as they cherished the moment. As they drew away, Sabine gazed at Ezra seriously.

"Ezra, I'm planning to stay here after the war but I want you to stay with me too. Krownest wouldn't be the same without you."

Ezra lips parted slightly as he processed what the Mandalorin said.

"Wait you mean, after the battle, you and I stay here. Together?" He asked.

Sabine nodded and Ezra's face broke into a smile. It wasn't his normal cocky smile, it was a true one. And it made him look so adorable that it made Sabine's heart flutter.

"I'll stay."

It was only two words from Ezra, but that's all Sabine needed to hear. She kissed him again and he kissed back.

Little did they know, Chopper had been recording the entire thing.

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