Gun shot

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Today was the day we were heading back to school but this time as a couple. I knew I would be judged but I didn't care , Hunter made me happy and that was all I ever wanted was to be happy. We sat in the car staring at the school in front of us. People among us laughed and talked. I saw Kaleb and his crew in the courtyard. They were passing weed back in forth. I figured Kaleb gotten over me he was now sleeping with any girl he could get hold off. At one point he tried to sleep with Hannah but she blew him off for Kevin. "Ready to do this?" Hunter squeezed my hand. I smiled. "Yeah I don't care what they haft to say I'm happy." He kissed my cheek and got out. I waited for him to open my door and we locked hands. Everyone starred at us. "We should give them a show." Hunter mumbled. I nodded, he spun me around and pressed a kiss to my lips.

I kissed back a little bit before we continued into the school. "It's about time you two got together." Hannah gushed. I blushed and she pulled me into a hug then Hunter. Hunter and Hannah have gotten closer like best friends.

I shushed her. She left to homeroom. Me and Hunter had a different homeroom so he walked to my class.

"I'm going to miss you." He pouted hugging me. I snuggled my head into his neck. "I'll miss you too its only an hour." He grabbed my chin and pressed a kiss to my lips. Our lips moved in sync until the first bell rung.

"Bye." I pulled apart and went inside. I took my usual seat in history. Students began to pile in and I saw a new girl.

"Who are you?" Miss.Ridge smiled.

"Bonnie Haven." She said shyly, the girl had wavy blonde blue hair and bold green eyes.

"Ah take a seat next to Melina." I raised my hand. She rushed back and sat down. When Miss.Ridge began to talk , I turned to Bonnie's Desk. She was balancing her pen on her lip. I silently giggled. "I'm Melina Howard." I said to her.

She let the pencil fall. "Bonnie." She half smiled. "How are you?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Good I like this school it seems interesting but I already made a friend." She winked at me.

We chatted the whole class. I learned she came from Arkansas , has a older sister and a little brother , She's 16 but really smart to be a junior. Loves rock music , pop , and techno. She is single and Im her first friend.

We both had spanish next and I had it with hannah and Hunter.

"I made a friend." I beamed at my boyfriend. He chuckled kissing my cheek. "I'm Hunter." He introduced.
She did a small wave. "Bonnie."

Hannah showed up scaring me. I placed a hand over my heart. "Don't do that." I breathed in and out.

"Bonnie this is my best friend , Hannah. Hannah this is my new friend, Bonnie." I gestured. Hannah hugged her.

"Lets get to History." Hunter mumbled. We piled into the classroom and took a seat. Hunter was beside me , Bonnie was in front of me then Hannah in front of Hunter.

"I'm so hungry." Hannah moaned.

"Fattie." Hunter chuckled. Hannah glared at him."Okay Mr. I eat more than I do."

I silently laughed as I watched them bicker. "Are they always like that?" Bonnie asked. I nodded.


I gave Bonnie and Hannah a hug and then we left. Hunter was driving today.I saw a familiar car in the driveway and swallowed.

"Something wrong?" He asked. He cut off the car and I blinked a few times. "My parents are here there supposed to be in Florida." I gulped. "That bad?" "Lets just say there very judge mental." I got out and Hunter followed. "Everything will be fine." He pecked my lips. I let out a breath of air before going in. I saw my parents sitting on the couch watching my moves. Kevin sat on the opposite couch awkwardly.

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