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"I'm ready to tell you what happened." Hunter breathed.

"Are you sure? You don't have too." I clutched his hands.

"You deserve to know." He half smiled.

I nodded for him to go and he began.

After Hunter finished I was crying with him. How could someone hurt him like that. I was comforting him too while he cried his eyes out.

"Hunter , you need therapy." I stated.

He agreed. "I've been seeing a therapist for the past weeks I just didn't want to tell you."

"Anything you have to tell me you can."

"I know." He kissed me.

I kissed back after a few minutes of kissing , he pulled away. "I love you and I'm so glad I met you. I know you think your hideous but you are really beautiful Lena."

I blushed heavily. "I love you too."

He kissed my tears away. His eyes were a little bit blotchy. Hunter got up and turned my radio on.

He extended his hand. "Dance with me." He sniffled. I grabbed his hand.

We danced slowly to the music.

"I want to spend my life with you. We're young and I know it but this is a promise." He kissed my fingers before sliding a ring on it, "A promise to you that someday I will officially be your Charlie and you my sam. You are my other half Melina and no one can split us up our love is to strong, its unbreakable. I love you more than I could ever imagine." He spoke softly.

"I love you too so much Hunter you made me whole and me. Life without you would be unimaginable and those words were so sweet no one has ever said that me and I'm glad it was you to be the first time.I'll wait forever to marry you as long as I do." I cried.

In that moment I knew we were infinite.

Well thats what I thought.

I'm obsessed with perks of being a wallflower , I use it as a reference a lot in this book. I guess This is just a different version of the book/movie.

Be expecting a twist soon. hehe :)

I'm on twitter ! @rawrkenna I'll give you hints on whats to happen.

33 reads on this book it was five.

Anywhore bye.

- McKenna 💋

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