Bad News

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Melina's pov. ~

(Before Hunter Showed up)

I paced the living room back and forth .


The clock read he was supposed to be here by 12:01 . 2 hours late I was worried sick.

Kevin's door opened and he emerged from it.

"Melina calm down." He rubbed his eyes.

"I can't." I stressed.

I was pulled into hug. "He needed time to escape I promise you Hunter will turn up soon."

The doorbell rang and I ran to the door.

"Oh my god Hunter!" I catched him as he fell unconscious.

"Kevin." I sobbed.

He was bloody and had cuts all over him. Kevin was by my side in a instant.

"Let me get my keys." He ran.

I stroked his face softly.

Kevin grabbed him from my arms and carried him to car. We both go in.

He started the ignition.

I stroked Hunter's hair. "I love you so much , I'm sorry if I haven't been the perfect girlfriend or not putting up a fight when they took you away. You don't deserve this at all you've lost your mom and brother then there's me that hasn't lost anything. I would rather get ran over then see you like this. Please be okay." I begged.

We arrived , Hunter was once again taken from my arms again.

"He needs help!" I yelled.

The doctor rushed in with a gurney he took him away . A nurse led us to the waiting chairs.

"What happened to him?" She asked.

"His fa-father." I choked.

Then she was gone. I wrapped my arms around Kevin's chest and cried. He put his chin on top of my head , I felt tears hit my head.

Hours passed on and on.

"Mr.Howard,Miss.Howard." Someone said.

I sat up. "Yes?" Kevin said.

"I'm Doctor Kennan can you two please follow me."

He led us to a office.

"How's Hunter?" I asked.

He sighed. "Not good , He's currently in a coma. His stitches were opened and we had to redo them. Hunter has several bruises and cuts all over his body including his lower area. He was lacking blood causing us to give him a blood transfusion. It seems like he was raped several times causing him not able to have kids. Also he was hydrated and lacked off food."

Tears rushed down my face. "Oh my gosh , Will he live?" I asked.

"There's a 65% chance it all depends on Hunter."

"Can we see him?" Kevin asked.

Dr.Kennan nodded and showed us the room.

I gasped. Hunter had wires all in him.

"Melina , We called the police they're heading to arrest Hunter's father." Then the doctor was gone.

I placed a kiss on his cheek. "I hope you can hear me. Happy Birthday, I want to tell you Hunter you are strong and your going to put up a fight for us. Nothing is going to tear us apart because I love you."

All the bad things seem to happen to Hunter which sucks they can never get a long time of happiness but I ship them hard there relationship is so cuteee.

I promise you Hunter is going to get better.

Toodles .

-McKenna 💋

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