>>• Chapter Ten •<<

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Chapter Ten

Answer ✔


9:25 pm~ Yah! (Y/N), I'm so worried
about you, Where are you?!

9:30 pm~ I'm at heading home with
The girls, Are you OK? Is
Jungkook Not hurt?

9:31 pm~ Jungkook thankfully
Didn't get hurt, all thanks to
That Girl...And I'm OK as well.

9:31 pm~ Ah that's a relief!

9:33 pm~ Yes,but were at the hospital
Where the girl is being treated.
We're all waiting like crazy for
The doctor to come out with
Some news.

9:33 pm ~ She'll be OK. I promise.

9:37 pm~ What happens if she
Isn't. Jungkook will have to
Carry on with the guilt of being
The reason as to why a Young Girl

9:38 pm~ Look Jin, I saw where the bullet
Hit the young female and she indeed
Lost a lot of blood and there
Is a chance that she will make it.

9:38 pm~ ...

9:38 pm~ What?

9:40 pm~ She didn't make it.

9:40 pm~ What do you mean?

9:45 pm~ Nothing...Never mind
She Just...She Died for a moment.
A nurse ran to the doctor
and said that it was a miracle
that She came back to life.

9:50 pm~ Jin, if this is a joke, then
Stop it. It's not funny-

9:50 pm~ Why would I even
Joke about something so serious!
If you don't believe me then
You might as well
and ask Jungkook

9:51 pm~ Fine, Fine...I'm sorry,
I believe you!

9:51 pm~ Good, Now you should rest...
you're gonna work tomorrow.
I'll keep you updated on the whole
Situation... Bye love~

9:52 pm~ Bye Bye...Love you

9:53 pm~ Love you too.


Your P.O.V

"What did Jin say?" Asked a worried Jihee. We were currently walking back to my Apartment. Minna was Worried sick for All of them, Especially Rapmon. She just decided to take it easy and Leave. She said that she was going to take the bus back home, so I should believe its safe for her to go.

"That the Girl survived. She lost a lot of blood." I said.

"Yeah, I can see that." She eyed my shirt with was covered in the girl's blood. I zipped my sweater up and glared at her.

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