4. Morning After

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I wake up and turn around to see Austin gone but his yellow Truck Fit hoody left on my bed with a note.

"Good Morning, it was a little cold in your room so I thought I would leave you my sweatshirt love Austin(:

I put it on because it was a little cold. It smells like Abercrombie and Hollister. I walk out my room to see Austin cooking bacon and pancakes.

"Good morning bae" he kisses me gently. "that hoody looks nice on you." he said with a smile on his face. He kisses me again.

"Danggggg what smells so good in here" Gabby yelled while twerking down the hall.

"Gabby...Gabby umhh Austin is still over he made breakfast, where is Alex" I said.

"He left early in the morning around 6 or so... yeah he'll be back, they always come back" Gabby said in a confused tone, I and Austin look at each other and smile.

"What are you doing today" I ask while grabbing bacon, wishing he would say nothing so we could lay back down.

"I have a interview at 12 but we can hangout after" he said while pulling me in to hold biting off the other end of my bacon and making a face. I playfully push him away and run down the hall to my room.

"If ya'll need condoms they are in every room of the condo I made sure of it" Gabby yelled while stuffing her face with bacon and pancakes. I slam the door he knocks on it.

"babe let me in baby come on" he giggles and walks away for a little. I see him coming around the corner so I close it again, but I start to hear With You play. When Austin got done singing I opened the door and he barged in with a heated kiss he picks me up, wrapping my legs around him, he gently puts me on my bed. He stops kissing me and we both look into each others eyes

"why did you stop?" I ask.

"I wanted to take in how pretty you are" Austin whispered to me, I laugh and start to kiss his neck. He starts moaning.

"baby I got to go before we get too into it and I can't leave" he said to me breaking the ice.

"don't go" I say in an upset voice pulling him back down for more.

"I have to, the interview with be on tv, you can watch me and think of all of the dirty thing we can do after" he tells me and winks.

"Fineee" I say dragging out the E.

I walk him to the door.

"Well that was quick, didn't even hear a thing" gabby said to me while drinking the orange juice from the container.

I turn around and make a funny face at her behind Austin's back.

"bye love" he kisses me 3 times.

"bye babe" I smile.

"tehe tehehehe" I turn around to see Alex by the elevator.

"Every time, what is wrong with youu" Austin laughs and playfully smacks him.

"and you left Gabby why?" he asked Alex.

"I don't know dude, you gotta learn to hit and run" Alex said while fixing his hair.

"oh my god dude get some respect for girls, lets go." As the walk away I hear Alex talk about his sexual time with my dear friend and I just shake my head and laugh while walking back into my room.

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