10. Little Things

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"My water just broke, we need to go we gotta go" I say running to my bed room to get sweatpants, Austin just looks at me.

"What do I do" he yells.

"Baby, babe, sweetheart go start the car and tell your mom Alex and Gabby" U say in a calm voice.

"Yeah okay" he said grabbing the keys and rushing down the hall to tell his mother and friends.

"Okay lets go" I say to myself holding my back and walking down the hall. As I drive to the hospital I see Gabby Alex and Austin's mom behind me.

"Ohhh hoooo ohhh hooo" I breath slowly trying to stop the pain.

"That's it baby breath" Austin said while grabbing my hand, as I pull into the parking lot Austin gets the door for me, helping me walk to the emergency room.

"We need a doctor we need a doctor now" Austin yelled.

"Sir what's wrong" the front desk lady said.

"My wife is having a baby, no babies she is having twins" he said trying to catch his breath.

"Okay then lets get her a wheel chair" as they push me back I start to worry about what will happen.

"Do you want your sweatpants babe" Austin said to me trying to be comforting, he holds my hand and kisses my forehead.

"Yes please" I say as the doctor walks in he said.

"We have some good and bad news the babies look healthy but we will have to do a sea section on you because one of the two babies has its umbilical cord wrapped around his neck" the doctor said knowing everything will be ok I say.

"Okay" Austin looks at the doctor.

"when will you be taking her under" he asked a little scarred.

"Soon" he replied.

"In the next 15 to 20 minutes" he added Austin looked and looked back at the doctor.

"Okay" as they slowly gave me more pain relief I started not to feel a thing.

"Its time" the doctor said taking me back, Austin lets go of my hand and gave me a warming kiss.

"I love you" he said looking at me as I look into he hazel eyes I say.

"I love you too" while in the operating room I felt nothing, I could only hear the doctors talk.

"We got one babe" the one doctor said.

"We are cutting number two out now" the other doctor said.

"We have two" the other doctor said handing the baby to get clean, I smile.

"Heart rate is dropping" the one doctor said as I started to lay back and feel light headed.

"Heart rate is dropping badly" she repeated a little louder

"Cut the gas" the head doctor said, I felt like the walls were closing in.

"Still dropping" the doctor said as I slowly closed my eyes.

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