6. I Love You

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I wake up early in the morning with insane stomach pains, and I wrestle my way from under Austin's arms. I tip toe out of the room trying not to wake him up. After I leave the room and close the door I run to the bathroom as fast as I could, throwing up in the toilet I wake up Gabby.

"Hey girly are you okay" gabby said while bending over pulling my hair back and slowly rubbing my back.

"I think I have the flu" I say while rolling over and sitting up against the wall of the shower.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital" Gabby said looking into my eyes.

"No, no its ok I feel a little better I am just going to go back to bed and see how I feel tomorrow" I say while slowly getting up.

"Alright, yell if you need anything" Gabby said to me while helping me get up. As I lay back down Austin wakes up.

"You're up a little early" he said while putting his arm around me again and gently starts to kiss my neck, he slowly puts his nose in my hair as I get a chill I roll around and kiss his nose.

"I love you" he said whispered while pulling me closer.

"but babe we are not even dating" I say in a high pitch voice.

"Just wait I am going to ask you in a special way" he said to me while smiling. i fall back asleep in his arms as we both wake up around 10. I'm

extremely hungry more hungry than normal and that's hard to beat.

"Why don't we get showered and go get something to eat" Austin said to me while throwing on a pair of gym shorts over his boxers.

"Sure" I say in an extremely happy voice that he is taking me out in public, as I start the shower I brush my teeth, Austin walks in scratching his stomach and wetting down his toothbrush he smiles and starts to sing the tooth song from fairy odd parents, we both laugh and put down my toothbrush. I walk over to see if the water is hot enough as I stick my arm in I feel a body behind me. Austin pulls on my shirt while kissing and licking the back of my neck.

"How about we lose this" he smile ending the neck kisses and giggles he goes to the bottom of my white v neck and crosses his arms grabbing it with both hands and pulling up slowly. I rise my hand looking behind me, I see his eyes follow my shirt up, as he takes it off he throws it behind him. I turn around.

"Now it is your turn" I say with a smile on my face as I go under his shirt I stand on my tippy toes kissing him. He takes off his shirt for me throwing it back with my shirt. He unstraps my bra.

"Hey do you know where the remote isss... oh dear I am so sorry" Gabby said while barging in. I look at her and my eyes get large.

"Don't mind me I am just going to go, you kids have fun now" gabby said closing the door and walking away, I slam my head against his chest.

"I am so sorry" I mumble.

"Babe its fine, I live with Alex. Gabby is not that bad" Austin said while laughing. Kissing the top of my head he undoes his pants I look up and move in on another kiss. I pull on his boxers playing with the waistband, Austin makes a weird noise while breathing in.

"Stop teasing me" he said in a deep attractive voice. Austin pulls down my sweatpants and panties picking me up and carefully putting me in the tub I lean against the wall I push his hair back to get it wet and he does the same to me as I cup the water I throw it on him.

"Ahhh" he screeches like a girl with a big smile laughing he cups the water and throws it on me.

"Yeah, how do you like me now" he said in a mocking voice.

"More then I have ever liked anyone else" I say while turning around and getting my back wet he slowly puts soap in his hand and rubs it on my neck and I rinse off and help him wash his body. We both get out and start to get ready Austin throws a beanie on so he does not get and afro and I straighten my hair.

"Ready?" he said to me peaking into the bathroom.

"Yep yep" I say as I walk out to his Range Rover, people swarms around me like bees. cameras flashing people recording.

"Who is this" "Is this your girlfriend" "What happen to Camilla"

They all ask at the same time Austin stops.

"Wow I really can't go anywhere with anyone without you dick heads following me and everything I do, there is no Camilla there will never be an us she cheated on me with that gay hair homo, this is my girlfriend she is amazing and takes my breath away every kiss feels like the first one, can we please go now and get something to eat" Austin yells while holding my hand and pushing threw, as I get into the Rover I look straight forward as he did.

"If you don't want to be with me anymore its fine I understand, this life is sometimes hard I get a lot of hate from people and kids I get really down and keep it all in till I explode like I just did" I look over and straight to cry.

"You told me Camilla was just a show and was never real" I say while trying to calm myself down.

"Baby stop please I love you I really like you and I want to be with you forever you don't understand Camilla and I never loved each other, society pushed us together for publicity" he said as his voice slowly starts to shake as he starts to cry he grabs the stirring wheel.

"Can I still take you to get something to eat" he said wiping his tears. I nod my head yes and he pulls out. I grab my phone and text Gabby,

"Can you do me a favor?" I text her, I get a text back in two seconds it feels like.

"Yeah what's up" she texts me back I then reply slowly typing.

"I have been really sick in the morning I just made Austin cry because I was sad and angry and I shouldn't have been mean he called me his girlfriend, I am so hungry and tired" I send it tearing up again but not letting Austin see. I wipe my face I get a response slowly opening it.

"No this cant be happening you're to young" I look out the window, Austin turns and looks at me.

"Is everything okay" he said while pulling into the café I look at him.

"I.. I think I am pregnant" I say and my voice starts to drop out.

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