Chapter 12

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Outfit above is yours! Change it if you'd like to! ^^

Things to look out for:
(Y/N) : your name

Your POV:

I woke up to a peaceful morning. No phone going off, birds chirping, and the bright sun. I got out of bed and glanced down at my alarm clock. 10:30, not too bad. I walked downstairs and got some breakfast.

"Darn, only cereal in the cabinets. No food already made for me. Guess I will have to make cereal." I thought aloud to myself. I grabbed the cereal box, milk, and orange juice. I poured the cereal into a bowl, added milk, and yawned. I poured a glass of orange juice, got a spoon, and sat down to eat.

I finished my breakfast and started looking around for Gene. Where could he be? I called for his name.

"Gene?" I looked around the house some more. Then it had hit me. Gene had work today. Another Netflix date with Aph, I guess. I called Aphmau's phone.. no answer. I called again.. no answer.

I finally decided to get dressed and take a walk down the street and see what everyone was up to today. I went upstairs and took a shower, brushed and blow dried my hair, brushed my teeth, put on makeup, and got dressed. I put on my pink t-shirt, ripped jeans, adidas, and a heart choker.

I went downstairs and headed outside. I walked down to Aphmau's house, wondering what she was up to. I walked up to her doorstep and rang the doorbell. Katelyn answered a few moments later.

"Oh. Hey (Y/N). If you're looking for Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau, they are at work right now." She said.

"Okay. See you later!" I replied. I walked over to the guys house, hoping I would have something to do over there. They are really good friends of mine. I rang their doorbell.

"(Y/N)!" Laurance said, hugging me. I blushed.

"O-Oh hey Laurance." I replied, still being squished by his hug.

"What brings you here?" He said, letting go of me.

"I don't know actually, heh. I'm just bored, Gene is at work. So is Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan." I say as I walk in. Dante is on the couch with Garroth and Travis. "Hey guys!" I exclaim to Garroth, Travis, and my brother Dante.

"(Y/N), great to see you!" They say. Travis walks up to me and hugs me, the way Laurance did, I blush. Garroth looks like he's in a good mood, Dante smiles, and Laurance is frowning. Travis finally lets go of me and I walk over to the rest of the guys.

"You look like your in a good mood today Garroth. What's up?" I ask him.

"The sky, hehehe." He laughs. I laugh too. "But really, my baby brother is visiting!" He smiles.

"Zane...?" I ask. The doorbell rings before Garroth can answer me.

"It's him!" He says excitedly. He opens the door and hugs the person at it. I have never seen him before. He has brown hair, a brown jacket, and green eyes that match his scarf.

"Baby brother!!" Garroth exclaims, letting go of him. Garroth's brother looks at me.

"Have we met before?" He asks. I shake my head. He walked up to me. "I'm Vylad. Nice to meet you!" He says happily shaking my hand.

"(Y/N)." I say.

Vylad's POV:

Oh my Irene. She's beautiful. How do I approach her for a date, is she single? Wait.. she looks familiar.

"Have we met before?" I ask. She shook her head. I walk over to her and introduce myself.

"(Y/N)." She replies, shaking my hand. I couldn't help myself.

"You look familiar." I say. She is surprised.

"I don't recognize you." She says back.

"She's my sister. That might be why." Dante says.

"She doesn't look like you." I say.

"She takes after  Gene." He says. That is why. Oh.. Gene. I step back.

"N-Nice meeting you." I turn to Garroth. "Let's go get lunch with Zane." Garroth nods.

Your POV:

"N-Nice meeting you." Vylad says nervously stepping back. He turns to Garroth. "Let's go get lunch with Zane." Garroth nods.

"C-Can I join?" I ask. Vylad nervously shakes his head. I look at my feet. He doesn't like me for my brother, Gene. He has quite the bad history with loads of people. I sniffle at the thought of him. I feel someone rub my back.

"Want to go to the beach?" I turn around. Laurance was there. I smile.


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