The Failed Escape.

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My mother blew up on me in a glorious over reaction.

My father was deployed in Iraq at the time.

Anyway, she was screaming and hollaring about how I lied to her and blah blah blah, not allowed to have a boyfriend, blah blah blah.

But I was refusing to break things off with Brendan, simply because I didn't want to live without him.

She decided to try and teach me a lesson and she said "If you're not going to follow my rules then I'm kicking you out."

She watched me walk half-way down the road before calling me back in to lecture me more.

At that point I was wishing she would have just kicked me out so I didn't have to deal with the crap anymore.

Brendan's parents would take me in.

They loved me.

So after being lectured for a while, I was sent to my room.

I was so angry at my mom. And so desperately in love with Bren.

I packed a backpack full of what I thought would be nessecary, threw it out the window, crawled out onto the roof (In below freezing weather. It was January.) and climbed down the tree.

I actually almost slipped and fell to break my neck when I was on the icey roof top.

But my foot caught on the gutter. The gutter was damaged, but I was unharmed.

Then I grabbed my backpack and started to walk to town.

I made it 2 miles where I stopped at the local WAL*MART and used one of the employee's cell phones to call Brendan and tell him to come pick me up.

Then I made the IDIOTIC decision of waiting outside for him.

I sat out there for about 30 minutes and my sister drove up and made me get in her car.

I was really mad.

All I wanted was to go live with Brendan, because that's the only place I truly felt loved.

That night was pretty awful from that point.

Even as I type this out some of the emotion starts to well up inside of me.

My sister took me home.

I was forced to listen to my mother sob over me for the rest of the night.

They were pretty mad because I was so quick to turn my back on them, but I was feeling like whatever you obviously dont care about my feelings.

I spent that night sleeping in my mother's bedroom so she could make sure I didn't try to run out again.

My dad called from Iraq in the middle of the night and lectured me.

I was so tired that I can't even recall what he said to me.

I'm sure I didn't care though.

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