The Move.

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So Ben bought pizza for everybody at my last prayer meeting with them.

When we prayed I started crying and I clung to Ben as he talked about "the tears of the saints."

Ben stayed an extra hour with me that day.

Then a few days later we moved to Kentucky.

I started attending the highschool there for my sophomore year.

At this point I was neither emo/goth nor normal.

I was growing out of the goth phase and it put me in a very awkward in-between place.

No one really liked me.

I didn't have any friends for the first couple of weeks and then I got paired up with a boy named Jordan for a project in gym class.

Jordan and I became really close.

He was the only friend I had in the whole school.

We ate lunch together, and walked to class together, and hung out after school together.

Jordan and I got so close that we just started calling ourselves brother and sister.

Jordan's friends became my friends, and I started to come out of my shell a little bit  and I began making more friends.

Then Jordan had to move away to texas.

On his last day Jordan and I pretty much hugged the entire time.

He cried and I cried.

And we hugged more.

I'm sure it looked differently from the outside, but we didn't care. We knew we cared about each other and we knew we were going to make the most of our last day together.

His last day happened to be the same day as a pep rally.

One of my current best friends, Matt, who was just an aquaintance at the time, comes up to me and informs that some girl is telling people that I am carrying Jordan's baby.

When I found out who the girl was, (Matt pointed her out to me) I was furious.

I marched right through the middle of the gym during this pep-rally and made my way up the bleachers to tell her off.

And tell her off I did.

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