All Out in the Open

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September 29,1989
3:47 a.m.
(JD's Perspective)
She told me the entire story in what felt like three seconds. The words just flowed out of her mouth like vomit with tears staining her angelic face. All I could do was stare at her with a blank expression wanting so bad to just cup her face in my hands and let her forget about all of the other shit happening in her life.
"I'm so sorry. Im...I... I just don't know what to do! I...I..." She manages to choke out in between gasps for air.
As she says this I gently guide her face to mine and press her soft perfect lips to my cruel harsh ones to try to hush her panic. As I kiss her I feel all of the muscles in her body relax as if the weight of the world has just been lifted from her shoulders. In the middle of our kiss she pulls away hesitantly.
" aren't mad?" she asked with confusion spread all across her face.
"Ronnie, beautiful, why would I be mad?" I could never be mad at her. She is my guardian angel, my world, my everything. I would be absolutely lost if I didn't have her in my life. She's the one person in this fucked up world that makes the shittiest days bearable.
"I imagined I told you I was pregnant and you started beating me and you killed the baby and left me to die. It felt so real. It felt so fucking real!" She says as I reach up and wipe a tear traveling down her face.
"My love, that's what my fucked up ass of a father did to my mother when she was pregnant with... with... with my sister..." As I say this I can't stand look into her perfect brown eyes. I haven't even thought about Lizzy in so many years tears spring to my eyes when I bring her up.
"Your sister?" She questions as she brings my eyes to meet hers.
"Yeah...Lizzy...she... she...she was killed by my dad while still in my moms stomach. I can still hear my mom crying out, begging for him to stop exclaiming he might have killed the baby. He wouldn't stop! He wouldn't fucking stop!" As I said this my eyes swelled with burning tears and my voice filled with rage. My fists were clenched so tightly I could feel my nails digging into my skin. I noticed Ronnie glancing at my fists and flinching away from me.
"Shhh, Jason, love come here." Again we fall into a loving embrace that I wish could last for forever. Once I'm in her arms she twirls my curls in her delicate fingers. I wanted so badly to fall into a deep sleep and never wake up but with Lizzy on my mind that could never happen.
Tilting my head upwards to see her face I say, "Ronnie please know you are my world, my everything, beautiful, you are the only reason I'm still living in this shitty world. I love you more than you could ever know."
When the words escape my mouth I grab her waist gently pulling her as close to me as possible. As her lips press to mine extreme electricity surges through my body. My hands wander curiously throughout her body craving her touch like a child opening presents on Christmas morning. This rush of passion for her last until both of us fall asleep in a gentle embrace only caring about our undying love for each other and not about whatever shit this hellish world might throw at us next.

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