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disclaimer: there's no cole sprouse in this chapter.


Chapter 1: Unexpected Latte Meet up


It's 8:28 in the morning and I'm almost late for my audition.

The only thought that's been running in my mind for the past 25 minutes was that I may never be accepted for any roles again.

I was in the streets trying to grab a taxi suddenly my phone rang and I reached out my pocket to get it.

"Hello, Lili Reinhart speaking."I said while holding my phone up to my ear.

"Ms.Reinhart the producers are asking if you could still make it, your audition number is number 5 by the way, please do hurry." My manager said for the fourth time.

"Yeah I'm on my way" I said while ending the call.

I was lucky enough to have grabbed a taxi and so i told the driver to head to the Hollywood Studios, bringing my script with me, I rested my head to the taxi's window and tried to rehearsed in my mind a little bit.

Soon enough we arrived, I paid the driver and I ran as fast as I could to the studio.

I searched for the audition signs sadly I couldn't find them and that's when I realized I was on the wrong studio.

After a few minutes of searching I finally found the right studio and entered it.

"Ms.Reinhart, thank the heavens you're here, keep it up and I swear you'll be a goner." she said.

"Oh cmon Annie, I was nearly late" she raised her eyebrows at me "Okay fine, really late" I said putting up my hands in the air as a sign of defeat and rolled my eyes.

I was seated in a line of chairs when my name was called.

"Lili Reinhart?" a woman with brown hair called.

I smiled and stood up from my chair.

The feeling was really scary yet exciting in the same time, after I auditioned and got asked tons of questions they told me that I had great emotions and very fit for the job, I actually don't know what role I auditioned for nevertheless I smiled at their comments and just like everyone else who auditioned to play the role we all went home and waited for a phone call.

I was so pumped out of the recent audition I decided to go a coffee shop.

which is Starbucks cause I couldn't seem to find any other coffee shop in town.

"Good Morning Ma'am, how may I take your order?" The cashier flashed with a smile.

"Can I have, the Pumpkin Spice Latte" I smiled.

"Oh and make it extra bubbly" I added.

while waiting for my order, someone pushed me a little making me fall on my knees, sometimes I laugh at myself thinking how weak I can get.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean too" She exclaimed trying to reach my hand.

"It's alright" I slightly smiled while grabbing her hand for support so I can stand up better.

"Here is your pumpkin spice latte--" she stopped then looked at the cup "Ms.Lili, enjoy your meal" I grabbed the latte and let go of the hand of the raven haired girl.

She flashed a smile before I could got out and sat down to one of the tables with my latte.

I was just on my phone texting one of my childhood friends.

Hey Nic, Happy Birthday, I'm sorry I greeted a little late and not even there to celebrate with you but I hopefully wish you have a great birthday. -- lils

Before shutting down my phone, I didn't even see the same girl was infront of me.

"Hey mind if I seat?" She asked I nodded, I'd be weird to talk to a stranger but I'd be great to share, right?

"Have we met before?" she asked me while i slowly sip on my coffee, minutes later i placed my coffee on the table making me think for a second.

"hmm no, i don't think so" was my reply the i continued "I'm Lili by the way, you can call me Lili lol if you want" I smiled while she sips her coffee .

"Lili Reinhart?" she asked "oh my gosh no way, you were chosen for a role at a show right, Riverdale?" I said.

She smiled and said "Chosen? lol I just auditioned this morning"

"Well Its just that I auditioned this morning too and I saw your name and your headshots on the bulletin ."

"Wow, what a small world" I said "what role did you auditioned by the way?"i asked.

"I honestly don't know, they never told me"

"Same with me, Good luck by the way-" i paused since I didn't actually know her name

"Oh um Camila or you can call me Cami, whatever suits best" she smiles and I nods as she extended her hand to shake it.

"Um, okay-- well hope to see you again" she smiled before getting up and walking away.


~december 6, 2017~

I know I'm sorry, there's no Cole in this part, you must be like"oh I expected Cole" you will be seeing him tho just you wait.

Plus be aware that im only freaking 13 years old! so lol I don't know how to write this but im literally a die hard Riverdale Fan and a hardcore Sprousehart shipper! so I don't know if you liked this but if u did, um vote for this to let me know someone's actually reading so yeah!

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