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Chapter Seventeen: Turkey for Days and a side of Reynolds please.


As the minutes go by, We started to head ourselves to the dining room and settled in on our seats, Madelaine on my left and Cami on my right. And Roberto and Mack still missing in action. 

In a few minutes later, I got to meet the infamous Travis Mills, Mad's boyfriend. And I must say Mads has really nice taste in men.

And not a second later "Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, We come bearing gifts!" Roberto exclaimed throwing his hands in the air and presenting us with more wine.

"Sorry we took so long to get here, We had to organize a couple of Scenes before we can call it a day." Mack explained taking off his coat and hanging it on the racket beside the door.

"Well come on! Explanation and Apologies later! The Turkey is about to get Cold!!!" Madelaine insisted.

Now that everyone was settled in on their seats, We began the whole traditional thanksgiving dinner with a sharing of what we were thankful for this year.

"I obviously am thankful for this cast, for the wonderful friendships I've made this year, for our wonderful and talented directors and producers, and for my supportive boyfriend of one year who's sitting right next to me. And for all of you guys! You have given me more than what I could have asked for, and so I will cherish this moment wholeheartedly forever, Happy Thanksgiving!" Madelaine shared in gratitude. She then turned to me signaling that it was my turn. My heartbeat grew louder.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have a fear of speeches but I'm not really fond of sharing either, besides I don't think I can beat Mad's in that incredible speech of hers. I know it's not a competition and all but I wish I could come up with something that will equal to hers.

"Well uh— what she just said!" I started. "yeah— um well except maybe for the boyfriend part— cause uh— I don't have that." I cleared my throat while everyone let out a soft laugh. "But uh, definitely the relationships I gained this year and for this amazing role in this amazing show." I said ending it with a smile, slightly gazing my eyes to see Cole's reaction.

Gosh I'm pathetic!

"Well that's pretty much everyone! Let's dine in!"

We said our prayers and enjoyed a bountiful dinner, I practically swallowed everything in that table, Mad's foods was to die for! I could have that damn delicious turkey for days.

After everyone finished up, A couple of us played some thanksgiving games, one of which was the famous pin the tail on the turkey.
Some stumbled and failed to pin the tail because they were getting a little drunk on the wine, and others like myself who doesn't drink much managed to at least pin the tail on the board.

Some time later, everyone cuddled up at the fire place, all enjoying each other's company. I found myself snuggled up with my Dangus aka Cami in a beanie. Majority of the people in the room voted to watch a movie, so we ended up watching the classic rom com movie The Proposal.

All was well at that moment. Popcorn in my hand, Ryan Reynolds on sight, and warm, sweet warm fire. And here I thought I'd leave thanksgiving as another disastrous moment in my 20 years old life.

"You two look incredibly comfortable with each other." Cole said approaching.

Ah yes. I've jinxed it. So much for a peaceful thanksgiving.

"Yes, yes we are." Cami replied while i tried not to make eye contact.

Cole bent down.

"Mind if i borrow your snuggle partner?" Cole asked addressing the question to Cami.

In the slightest movement, I pinched Cami.

"Why? You wanna snuggle with Lili now?" Cami said making a remark.

"Well as much as I know I'll enjoy the company, I however just wanna talk."

Cami's eyes widened. Oh no.

Cami has always been a fan of Cole and I's relationship since day one, even though all we ever were are friends she insist that someday we could be something more than that. And I know she's willing to take any chances for us to make it happen.

"Oh well in that Case." Cami shifted towards me. "Partner, your existence is needed elsewhere ."

I got up and took the blanket that me and Cami cuddled with.

"You so enjoy this." I whispered to Cami.

Oh I do. Cami mouthed.

I followed Cole out in the terrace embracing the chilly weather awaiting for us.

ah yes. The Long Awaited Talk.

Well I pray that this doesn't end in one of those awkward conversations, again.

Oh who am I kidding of course it will!


~JUNE 11, 2020~

A/N: the title doesn't really make sense bUt in a way it does HAHAHAH i mean i hope it made sense! ANYWAYS HERE ARE THE PROMISED 2 CHAPTERS!!! I HOPE Y'ALL ENJOY IT ANDDD YE DUDE LILI AND COLE BROKE UP I— GdHSHHSJSNSBX

~Also a quick note, (i don't wanna get too political but i want my readers to be educated so here ya go) : If there's Injustice somewhere, There's Injustice Everywhere. With everything that's been happening in the world today i feel the need to not be silent and as much as possible let people here know the importance of fighting.
I'm not talking about using our guns, our bombs, our knives. I'm talking about using our Voice for the common good of all. Fighting doesn't necessarily means Violence, Remember that you can't beat fire with fire. Sometimes fighting means to stand up to those in need of a voice by using our own voice, but do not sit and call it a day after you post hashtags! go sign petitions! go to rallies! go use your voice to educate someone! Remember one small motion of change can happen, and it can happen starting with you.

Use your voice to fight.

For we will never be truly free until those in bondage have the same rights as you and me.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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