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"Chapter 14: i'm a dOctOr tOO"


earlier i asked Lili out for Coffee and it's strange that she refused.


Call me crazy but absolutely anyone would die just to have coffee with THE COLE SPROUSE, Well more like cocky but hey the point is no one has refused me on a hangout before, and it kinda hurts.

But hey My Suspicions tells me that she's seeing someone.

I mean it doesn't bother me but why would she not tell me?? is she not comfortable with me?? i mean we are friends right???

Out of Frustration i let out a sigh.

"Hey Brotha, are you okay?" Camila approached.

"Yeah no, It's just that Lili has been acting weird all week"

"How so?" she asked.

"I dunno, I feel like she's ignoring me somehow, it's weird doing scenes with her" I answered.

"She looks A-okay to me" Kj joined the conversation not knowing he was listening the whole time.

"Hey what about we spy on her" I suggested

"What?" They lowkey said in unison.

"You mean stalk her?" Camila implied.

"Is it really stalking tho?" I said stupidly raising my brows.

"Ye it is, and a very bad idea man" Kj said firmly with his accent.

"I'm in" Kj continued.

"I ammm so out, you know how Lili doesn't like it when you're meddling with her personal life" She disagreed.

"I am her personal life" i cockily said.

"I mean hello, me and lili are best of best friends" I added mid-shouting.

"Well whatever Mitchell, i ain't getting involved" she said walking away.

"okay mate what's the plan?" Kj said in all seriousness.


"3:26 and the mysterious date of Lili Pauline Reinhart still hasn't shown up" Kj said on a somewhat recorder.

"What the hell are you doing?" I said annoyed.


"Why?" I asked raising my brows.

"Uh isn't that what spies do?"

i swear to God I would have punched this man if he wasn't the main lead on our television show and wasn't holding the umbrella to save me from getting wet.

"Can you hold the umbrella steady, i'm getting wet" I ordered him.

"oHohOH you are now huh" he gave me a dirty look.

"Jeez dude, let's just go inside" i said in frustration.

We went inside leaving the umbrella next to the door and found ourselves a table near by across the room from her to stalk— i mean observe.

"Since coffee shops are literally so small and if we went here people would recognise us easily, i got us these fake mustaches just in case if Lili spots us immediately." He said taking some mustaches and a big chunky eye glass from his backpack.

"Oh wow great, that's big help" i said sarcastically giving an awkward smile and a thumbs up and taking his suggestion.

"Oh shhhshhh weirdo at 2:00 o'clock coming at Lili" he said shushing me.

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