The Surprise: Part 3

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Esteban was just starting to doze off when he heard the library door open. He lifted his head to find Ms. Turner standing in the doorway.

Instead of hurling insults at the vexing teen, Esteban bit his tongue-a first for him as he was prone to chiding the girl for various reasons, but Shuriki had fallen asleep on him, and he was trying hard not to wake her and moving around or making too much noise would do exactly that.

"What do you want?" he scowled.

"Elena sent me to get you," she answered, "She needs you to go over the agenda and finalize it for the ball tomorrow night."

The autumn ball was like an unofficial precursor to their annual peace festival. Avalor had not celebrated the festival or ball in forty years. Shuriki had tried to endure the celebration her first year as queen, but her family had been killed and her village sacked during a peace festival in her native land. The memories proved too painful and Shuriki had decided to ban the festivity.

Just mentioning the festival seemed to unnerve Shuriki. She mumbled something in her sleep neither he nor Ms. Turner understood. Esteban rubbed her back to calm her before addressing Naomi. "It couldn't wait until later this evening?"

Naomi shook her head.

Esteban gave an exasperated sigh. "Fine. Tell my cousin I will be there momentarily."

He waited for Naomi to leave then called for Higgins who'd been guarding the door since his arrival. Esteban inwardly cursed his family.

"I can stay with her until you come back, sir." Higgins offer was somewhat tempting, but Esteban shook his head. He'd foiled assassination attempts on Shuriki's life so often over the last forty years. It just felt wrong to trust her well-being to someone else.

"But Chancellor Esteban, Doña Shuriki isn't on the council, and commoners-"

"Shuriki is not a commoner," Esteban snapped, "Ella es mi vida and I will not let you or anyone else disrespect her!"

"Esteban?" Shuriki lifted her head from his chest. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, mi corazón. The council is just asking for me." Esteban took her with him as he sat up. "Higgins is going to stay with you. Perhaps when I return we can enjoy a quiet dinner together?"

"I'd like that very much," she replied taking his hand when he offered it to her.

They left the library hand-in-hand with Higgins following close behind them.

Esteban took his sweet time escorting Shuriki back to his room. Let Elena wait on him for a change. Shuriki hugged him and he kissed her gently then turned to Higgins. "This woman is my life. Make sure no harm comes to her."

Higgins saluted him. "You can count on me, sir!"

Esteban went straight to the council chamber. His cousin, grandparents, the wizard-in- training and harbor master's daughter were already there along with the royal steward and the magister of the city's trading guild, Doña Paloma.

"Where were you, Esteban?" Elena demanded as soon as the chancellor took his seat. "We've been waiting for an hour!"

"And now you know how it feels," Esteban retorted. He ignored his cousin's dagger sharp glares and motioned towards their grandfather. "What did I miss, Abuelo?"

"Not much," Francisco told him. "We're just going over the guest list one last time."

"That reminds me. Will la bruja be attending?" Doña Paloma asked.

The question was enough to ruffle Esteban's feathers. He wasn't alone. He and Naomi opened their mouths, but to everyone's astonishment, it was Mateo who spoke. "Her name is Shuriki, and she's a sorceress, not a witch."

Esteban was still in shock when Luisa added, "Doña Paloma, you do yourself a great disservice. Belittling others is wrong, especially when they aren't here and are therefore incapable of defending themselves."

Doña Paloma's laughter died in her throat and she bowed. "My apologies, Doña Luisa. I meant no disrespect."

Naomi snorted. "Yeah...sure you didn't."

"Will Shuriki be allowed to attend the festival?" Mateo asked.

"I haven't decided yet," Elena admitted, turning to Esteban.

The chancellor narrowed his eyes at the crowned princess. "Shuriki es mi alma gemela. I follow where she goes. If she is not welcome, then neither am I."

"You have to attend the festival," Elena argued, "You're the chancellor!"

"I've said my peace."

He wasn't backing down. Not this time. Their cynicism and derision towards Shuriki had to cease. Esteban would do it. He'd give up his title as duke, resign as chancellor and step down from the council. Take Shuriki and leave Avalor. Go somewhere far away. Start a life where no one knew who they were or where they had come from. Raise their child-and there would be children-and keep them safe from the political entrapment of royal life. Esteban started to get up from his chair when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Naomi didn't loosen her grip on Esteban's shoulder as she turned to Elena. "You should have Shuriki attend the ball. Let the whole world see that our princess is not only kind and generous, but merciful."

"It would show the other kingdoms that a princess, young as she is, can learn how to forgive and let go of the past," Francisco chimed in.

Elena thought about it. Just when Esteban was ready to give up on her, she relented. "Fine. Shuriki can come, but she's Esteban's responsibly."

Esteban was elated. He went around the table and hugged her. The princess was caught off guard if only because her cousin didn't usually show a lot of affection. It took Elena a moment to realize what he was doing, but once she had, the princess gladly returned his hug. Their embrace only lasted a second or so before he released her and stepped back. "You won't regret this, Elena!"

Elena wasn't so sure. "Please keep her out of trouble. Our kingdom really doesn't need any more drama this year."

Esteban gave a polite bow. "I swear to you, prima, Shuriki and I will be on our absolute best behavior."

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