Chapter Two

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Cisco looked up to see them all standing in front of the desk, "Where's my coffee?" he asked.

Carrie made a pouty face at him, "I'll get one on the way back." she said.

"Mirror Master and Top are back again." Cisco said, looking back down at his computer.

"Where are they?" Barry asked.

"Central City Bank." Cisco answered.

"Cool, let's go." Carrie said, putting her cup down on the desk.

"No Carrie, you stay here." Barry said.

Carrie stared at Barry, "Why?" she asked.

Caitlin hid a smile, glancing over at Cisco who had the same look on his face.

"Because you've never taken on Top or Mirror Master." Barry said.

"You really think that Samantha and Rosaline are a threat to me? I've worked with the Mirror Mistress and Top on my earth. I'm your best chance at taking them down if I'm honest." Carrie said.

"Sam and Rosa here." Cisco said.

"Whatever, I'm going out, I don't care what you say Barry." Carrie said, winking before running out of the building.

"You've got to admit Barry, she's got guts." Cisco said.

Caitlin made her way over to the computers.

"You better get out there or she may just steal the spot light like Wally did." Caitlin said.

Barry nodded, running out of the building.

When Barry got to the bank, he saw Carrie versing Mirror Master. He noticed Top was playing around with a guards.

Top noticed him and smiled, walking over to him. "Spinning, spinning. Round and round. All the sounds and the ground." she said, twirling her finger around.

The world started spinning around Barry and he fell to his knees.

Carrie turned, rolling her eyes at Barry. She had taken Mirror Master's gun and froze him the stone wall.

"Hey Rosa, why don't you pick on someone your own size." Carrie called.

"Ooo, little Streak wants a go in the ring." Top said, walking over to Carrie.

Carrie closed her eyes.

"Not a smart choice when you're fighting, girl." Top said, aiming her a blow at Carrie.

Carrie listened carefully, zoning in on only the fight. She caught Top's fist with a triumphant smirk. "I'm not from this Earth Rosa." she said, throwing Top's fist back at her.

Top stumbled back, "How'd you do that kid?" she asked, coming at Carrie with another punch.

Carrie listened carefully to the sound of Top's shoes running on the pavement and dodged the punch.

Top went flying forward, tripping over her feet and falling to the ground. 

Carrie turned and walked over to Top, opening her eyes.

Top smiled, turning over, "Spinning, spinning." she said, spinning her finger round and round. The world start the spin around her.

"What are you doing to me?"" Top asked.

Carrie smiled, looking in Top's eyes while tying her up.

Barry shook his head, noticing Carrie had Mirror Master frozen against the wall and was looking Top in the eye and tying her up. 

Once Carrie had tied Top up, she dragged her over to Mirror Master and she smiled at him.

Barry stood up, walking over shakily and passing her his set of cuffs.

Carrie cuffed Mirror Master's wrists with a smirk on her face.

"It's the new hero, she beat Mirror Master and Top with out Flash's help. Tell us, what's your name?" A reporter said, shoving a microphone in Carrie's face.

"My name, is Plasma." Carrie said, unfreezing Mirror Master. "Flash, grab her will ya."

"Sure." Barry mumbled, picking Top up and they sped away.

When they arrived at S.T.A.R Labs, they locked Top and Mirror Master up and walked out into the computer room.

"Woo. Go Carrie!" Cisco said, with a smiled, "Taking down both of them without even working up a sweat."

"How'd you do that?" Barry asked, taking his mask off.

"Do what? Beat you at your own game?" Carrie asked, turning around to face Barry.

"No. Tie up Top while looking her in the eye. She induces crippling vertigo." Barry said.

Carrie smirked and turned back around, "I would let you know, but I wasn't meant to be out there remember? I'm not on this attack." she said, sitting on the edge of the desk.  

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