Chapter Fifteen

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Barry got back to S.T.A.R without Cassidy.

"Couldn't find her?" HR asked.

"Where are Cisco and Caitlin?" Barry asked.

HR pointed at the infirmary, "Carrie took a turn for the worst, they're trying to calm her down." he said.

Barry nodded, making his way over.

"Don't worry Carrie, Barry's gone to find Cassidy." Barry heard Cisco say.

"Cisco, that won't help. Carrie, listen to me. Can you sing me some of your favourite song?" Barry heard Caitlin.

Barry stood at the doorway.

"I have a dream." Carrie sang, shakily and off key.

"A song to sing." Caitlin sang back.

"T-to help me cope, with everything." Carrie sang a little clearer.

"If you see the wonder, of a fairy tale." Caitlin sang.

"You can take the future, even if you fail." Carrie sang clearly, forgetting about her worries.

"I believe in angels." Caitlin sang.

"Something good in everything I see." Carrie sang back.

"I believe in angels." Cisco joined in with Caitlin.

"When I know the time is right for me." Carrie sang with a smile.

"I'll cross the stream." Caitlin and Cisco sang.

"I have a dream." Barry joined in with Carrie.

Everyone turned to face Barry and he smiled.

"Where's Cassidy?" Carrie asked.


"Hello!" A voice called.

"Sorry, I couldn't stop her!" HR called, although it was barely heard.

Carrie's eyes sparkled, she sprang up, ripping all of the wires back out of her arms. She fell back down.

Caitlin bit her lip, trying not to laugh. "Carrie, I gave you a shot of anaesthetics, you should be able to walk in a few seconds as your body seems to burn through most medicines like Barry's" she said.

Carrie crossed her arms, "Not cool." she said.

"While you guys joked around, I had the liberty to go and check who our new comer is and she said something about wanting to see Carrie." Barry said.

Carrie slowly stood up, taking small steps. "Drugging me is not okay." she said, walking out into computer room.

The girl ran over, hugging Carrie.

Carrie pushed the girl away, "Who are you?" she asked.

The girls face dropped, "Don'tcha remember me Caro?" the girl asked.

Carrie shook her head no.

"It's Ally Caro, Ally Zatara." the girl said.

Carrie was confused, "I don't know who you are." she said.

"Of course, dad mentioned something about this. I came to bring you back to Earth 19, along with Cassidy Quinsley." Ally said.

"Cassy, I don't know where she is." Carrie said.

"That's okay, I can find her." Ally said.

"How?" Caitlin asked.

Ally rolled her eyes, "Zantan and Diane Zatara are my parents, I'm pretty sure locating Cassidy should be a piece of cake." she said.

Carrie turned to face the others, "I think their names here, or at least in this dimension are Zatanna and I don't know who Diane's counterpart is here. But Diane was by far the best Robin." she said.

"I don't know, dad says that Josie could give her a run for her money if she wasn't killed." Ally said.

Before anyone one could say anything, HR piped up.

"Dick Greyson and Jason Todd. Just in case you're wondering who they are here. Tammy is Tim Drake here, Dominique is Damian Wayne here and Carise is Carrie Kelley here." he said.

"Thank you Harrison." Ally said.

"Now will you please find Cassy?" Carrie asked.

"Patience." Ally said.

She smiled, "Laever eht ecalp erehw ydissaC sedih. Wosh em reh noitacol. Tsaf." she said.

"That is so weird." Cisco said.

Ally broke out of her trance, "Come on Carrie, let's go get Cassidy." she said.

"No!" Caitlin said.

"Why?" Ally and Carrie asked at the same time.

"Because you're not fully healed, you still have another three days at least before you are able to fight in full again." Caitlin said.

"Who said anything about fighting? Cassidy is down at Jitters." Ally said.

"Yes. But she's allied with the bad guy or girl." Cisco said.

"Well, from what I saw, she was pretty much alone. Except for the boy serving her coffee." Ally said, shrugging.

Caitlin looked at Carrie.

"Fine, but Barry has to go than because I can't." Carrie said, walking off mumbling under her breath.

"Okay then, well fastest man alive. Let's go get this poor unfortunate soul." Ally said.

Barry shrugged, suiting up.

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