Chapter Fourteen

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"Barry, we need to save Cassidy." Caitlin said, walking over to her computer.

Barry shook his head, "I can't save Cassidy." he said.

Caitlin looked up, "Why?" she asked.

"Because she doesn't want to be saved, she just want Carrie safe." Barry said.

"You listen now, you will save Cassidy. You will do it whether she likes it or not. Because I am not losing the closest thing I have to a sister." Cisco said, sitting in front of his computer.

"Fine, I'll save her. But don't blame me if Cassidy doesn't let me save her." Barry said, rushing out of S.T.A.R Labs.

Cassidy was sitting in front of Jessica, her head down. 

"How dare you attack me. I gave you these powers, I can just as easily take them away. What a way to treat your sister." Jessica said.

Cassidy looked up, "You are no sister of mine." she hissed.

Jessica laughed, "I'm the closest thing you've got to family." she said.

"No, you're not." Cassidy said, standing up.

"Sit back down now." Jessica said.

Cassidy smiled, "No, I am done being your dog and doing all your dirty work. You're not the closest thing I have to family, Carrie is." she said.

Jessica grabbed Cassidy's arm, "Caroline killed you parents." she said.

"NO! She didn't, I could see the pain in her eyes when I mentioned that they were dead. Someone who kills with no intension of care wouldn't have that look. She LOVED my parents like her own and would never do anything to hurt them. She was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time and had to take the penalty for the crime she didn't commit. Which just so happened to be killing her own parents." Cassidy said, pulling her arm out of Jessica's grip.

"For so long I blamed her for my parents death, but the destruction in the house was nothing she could do. I've watched her fight and train and I know what she's capable of. Shattering windows, not one of them." she said.

"But that doesn't mean she didn't kill them." Jessica said.

"NO. You killed my parents. If Carrie had killed my parents, their bodies would've been stone cold and I heard what the police said. You killed my parents to make me hate my girlfriend so that I would leave with you." Cassidy said, walking away.

"You broke my girlfriend and now she can't be fixed. No matter where she goes or how whole she feels, she's still broken. Most things that brake, can't be fixed, they have to be replaced." she said.

'Get back here now.' Jessica thought.

"Neat trick, but remember, you've had me with you for ten years now. I'm stronger than you think." Cassidy said.

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