Chapter Sixteen

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"Sorry I couldn't be here earlier guys." Wally said arriving.

Carrie instantly turned around, anger flashed in her eyes. "Ally, you should go now." she said through gritted teeth.

"Why?" the magic girl asked.

"Just go get Cassy and be back as soon as possible. I don't want IT to happen again." Carrie said, walking back into the infirmary.

Wally was confused at what was going on, "What's up with Carrie?" he asked.

"You've missed a lot Wally. But that's not important, now that you're back, you can help Barry take on Terpsichore and save Songstress." Caitlin said.

"Actually, I'm here to say good bye. I'm going to find Jesse." Wally said.

Ally smiled at him, "I don't think we've met. I'm Ally, Ally Zatara." she said.

"Nice to meet you Ally." Wally said.

"Come on Barry, let's go and defeat Terpsichore." Ally said, walking towards the exit.

Barry smiled at Wally before following Ally.

As they exited the building, Ally grabbed Barry's arm.

They twisted in a winding motion before landing in a house.

Barry felt like throwing up but held it down. "What was that?" he asked.

"Teleportation. I haven't perfected it the way my father can do it yet though. I never will be able to though." Ally said, walking down the long hallway.

Barry nodded slightly, following Ally.

"Jaz, you've taken this to far." the voice echoed up the hall.

"Come on." Barry said, pushing past Ally.

Ally grabbed his arm, shaking her head. "Look at all of these rooms. There's is no way that the only people here are those two." she said, walking towards a door and opening it.

"No, no leave me alone!" a shrill voice said.

Ally jumped a little, not actually expecting to find people in the rooms.
"I'm not here to hurt you, my name Ally Zatara and I'm to save you." she said.

The person limped out into the light and Ally gasped.

"She's after speedsters. You're not safe here Flash." the person said.

"Eric, where is Wella. You guys are never apart so I know she's here too." Ally said, trying to help Eric.

Eric pushed her away, "I can walk, Wella is down the hall but be careful, she sucks all the power from you." he said.

Barry nodded, rushing around and opening all the doors down the hall.

He ran back up to them, "They're all full of people, some can walk, some can't. Not all of them are speedsters I don't think." he said.

"No, some of us are weilders of magic." Eric said.

"What does she want with you all?" Barry asked.

"She wants our power, and eventually she kills us." Eric said, looking at the ground.

"That's horrible." Ally said.

"We have to get everyone out of here."   Barry said.

Ally looked ag him, "I don't think I can  hold a portal open long enough." she said.

"We are no longer many. There is only  about a hand full of us able to move without her noticing." another person said from behind them.

Barry went and got all the people able to walk on their own.

Ally turned around and almost squealed, "Dad, where's mum?" she asked.

Zantan looked down, "She killed her." he said.

Ally was sad but hid it behind a smile, "I'm happy to at least have you. Dad, it's okay, we can go back to E19 after I get Cassidy and you can teach me how to enbrace my powers." she said.

Zantan nodded as all the people walked over.

Ally smiled at Barry, "kcab ot rats sbal, nepo a htap dna wohs meht eht yaw." she said, opening a portal.

"Quickly, my daughter can't hold portals for long." Zantan said, smiling at his daughter and jumping in the portal.

Six people followed, thanking her and Flash as they left.

"Barry. Barry help me." multiple voices called from different rooms.

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