Chapter Four

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Cisco and Carrie made their way into the ice cream parlour.

Carrie ran over to the counter and looked at all the flavours.

Cisco chuckled, shaking his head he walked over.

"Can I get a bubblegum one?" Carrie asked.

Cisco smile at her, "Of course." he said.

The man came over to the counter, "What can I get you?" he asked.

"A chocolate one for me and bubble-gum for her." Cisco said, pointing at Carrie who was still looking at all the flavours.

The man nodded, going to get the ice creams.

"Carrie. Come back over here." Cisco said. 

Carrie pouted and walked over, standing beside Cisco.

The man came back over and gave them the ice creams,  Cisco payed and the left the parlour. 

They walked towards the park.

They sat down in the park and finished their ice creams off.

"Thank you Cisco." Carrie said, laying back in the grass and closing her eyes.

"Come and dance, come and sing." An entrancing voice said.

Carrie opened her eyes and grabbed Cisco's arm, "We have to get out of here." she hissed, getting up.

"Why?" Cisco asked, getting up.

"Just trust me." Carrie said, pulling him behind her.

They stopped a little way away.

"Why'd you do that?" Cisco asked, trying to catch his breath.

"Because siblings look out for each other. But more because her song emtrances those who hear it, she's very dangerous." Carrie said.

When Caitlin and Carrie got to S.T.A.R, Barry and Caitlin were already there.

"There's a-"

"meta attack at the park. Yeah, I know." Carrie said, cutting Barry off.

"How'd you know that?" Barry asked.

"Because we were just there." Carrie said, walking over to Caitlin.

Barry gave Cisco an 'explain' look.

Cisco just shook his head, walking over to the computers.

"What do you know about this new villain?" Cisco asked, sitting down.

"Well, female, about as tall as me, entrances people with her voice." Caitlin said, typing something on the computer.

Cisco smiled, "Songstress." he said.

"Her name is Terpsichore (Terp-sick-ory)." Carrie said, "She has blue hair and a dangerous amount of power."

"Like the Greek Muse?" Barry asked.

"Exactly like the muse, her voice entrances people, she makes them dance till they die or kills them with her pipes." Carrie said, walking down and standing next to Barry.

"That sounds painful." Cisco said.

"Trust me, it is. But I've only been forced to dance, never heard her pipes at full blast." Carrie said.

"Do we have any background intel on her?" Barry asked, getting ready to suit up.

Cisco and Caitlin looked at Carrie.

Carrie put her hands up, "Don't look at me. I don't actually know who she is, I only know her alias, we had her and Music Meister on my Earth, it was chaotic." she said, walking into Cisco's lab to get her outfit.

Barry looked at Caitlin.

Caitlin shrugged, looking back down at her computer.

"Let's go." Carrie said, walking out of the lab.

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