This school's hiding something

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"Girls let's go". The teacher said . The three of you again follows the teacher .

After that walking he stops at a door .

"Mr. Erin Smith". The teacher said as he called the teacher inside the classroom who was teaching.

The teacher look at the doorway and smiled.

"Oh hello there , can I help you?". The teacher named Erin  said with a calm voice.

 The teacher named Erin  said with a calm voice

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Mr. Erin stands up and walks towards the four of you.
"Can I talk for you a minute sir?". The teacher said.

"Oh yes , Students please behave while I'm gone". Mr. Erin said to his students.

Mr. Erin closes the door and smiles.
"This are the new troublesome students who will be yours to handle". The teacher said.

"Hey!". Claire yelled.

Mr. Erin Chuckles .
"Mr. Fred how about you  be nice to your students too you know ? ". Mr. Erin said.

"Whatever just take them and I'll be going ". The teacher said.

"*cough* Rude *cough* ". You said.

"Well then ..come in ladies". Mr. Erin said opening the door .

You were going to walk in but Claire suddenly pushes you aside and walks inside . You glare at her .

You look at Ashley and she seems like she's starring at Mr. Erin  , like she was love struck .

"Ashley..hey". You said , finally she blinks and looks at you.

"Let's go". You said .

"Oh yes yes". Ashley said as the two of you went inside the classroom. Mr. Erin closes the door .

"Okay students , this will be your new classmate so PLEASE treat them nicely". Mr. Erin said.

"OH.MY..GOD..what kind of school is this!?". You whispered to Ashley.

As you saw them smiling , smirking and not even caring at the three of you.
Others lick their lips , stare and glared.

"There are ...all..boys?". Ashley said.

"Hehehe and I'm going to be their queen!". Claire said.

"Wait..Mr. Erin..why..are there lots of male students?". You said .

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