Take good care of me

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"See~!". Luciel showed you the backyard from the terrace , he's right it's big ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
"Try not to enter the maze , you might get lost ". Luciel said .

"Sure ". You said as you look the the beautiful garden.

"Big brother~!".

A femine childish voice said , you turn around an saw a young girl , maybe she's around six years old?.

A femine childish voice said , you turn around an saw a young girl , maybe she's around six years old?

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She smile at Luciel and run towards him.
"Big brother!". The little girl said as she hugs Luciel tightly .

"Oh hey there little sis~". Luciel said patting her head .
"Big brother! I bake you your favorite cake! Chocolate cake!". Luciel's little sister grinned at him.

Luciel smile and he looks at you.
"This is my little sister , why don't you introduce yourself sis". Luciel look at her sister .

"Hello~! My name is Grimora Ford , I'm big brother's favorite sister~! Right brother?". Grimora said looking at Luciel .
"Haha right , she's (y/n) (l/n) she's our new maid please treat her nicely okay?". Luciel said .

"Sure big brother ~!". Grimora said .
"Good ". Luciel pat her head then looks back at you.
"I'lll go get Kiara to tell you what is your job to do today ". Luciel left , leaving you and Grimora alone.

"So..um..you're such a cute little girl , how old are you?". You asked Grimora.

"Why thank you~ but I won't fall for that~". Her voice suddenly sounds threatening when she said that last part .
She looks at you not a smile but a glare .
"Listen here lady..I won't let you take away my big brother!". Grimora said .

"Take your big brother? Why would I take him away?". You said raising a brow.
"That's what they always said , those maids are always after my brother , they pretend that they're nice so that they can get close to my big brother !". Grimora said .

"Look whatever you're thinking is not my intention to do , I'm not here to steal your Brother , I'm here to work". You said .

"Hmmp! Like I'll believe you..I won't let you take my brother away , I'll make sure you'll quit and leave this place!". She said with a glare and a smirk .
"Are you sure about that little girl?". You said with a smile .
"Ofcourse ~..I'll make your life a living hell~". She said with a smile .

Then Luciel came back together with Kiara .
"Big brother~!". The atmosphere suddenly change , Grimora smiles happily as soon as she saw her big brother .
"Let's go (y/n) , you'll help me in cooking ". Kiara smile at you.
You nod and follows her but before you can even turn your head , you caught a glimpse of Grimora sticking her tongue out of you while hugging Luciel.

Agh..kids .. you continue following Kiara until the two of you arrive in the kitchen.
"What will we cook?". You asked Kiara .
"We'll be cooking some Lasagna for our masters". Kiara said as she enters a room. You followed her in the room and that room is the storage room.

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