Banana bananana~!

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You were heading back to your classroom to eat lunch. You can't believe what just happened earlier!??

"Now as I said me master ~".

You buried your face on your hands . What the hell?! I ain't his b*tch! You thought as you continue walking .

"Master , there you are!". You heard Chase's voice , you turn around and saw him walking towards you with a smile.
"Chase!". You smile at him. You saw no sign of Ashley so you ask him where she is .

"I think she is still in the clinic , let's go get her, master , so that we can eat together ". He said . You nod your head and went to the clinic to get Ashley .

|Clinic |

"Can I help you?". The nurse said while typing on her keyboard .
"Um..can we see our friend Ashley King?". You asked .
"Um..sure go ahead ". The nurse said who looks busy continue on typing .

"Thanks". You and Chase went in and saw Ashley lying on the bed , I think she's pretending to be asleep.
You walk towards her and shake her .
"WAKE UP!". You yelled .

"Ah! (Y/n)!". Her eyes went wide open and she smiles .
"Stop pretending to be asleep and let's go". You said .
"I can't!". ". She said .
"Why not!?".

The door suddenly open , it's the doctor , he greeted the three of you with a smile .
"Hello there you must be Ms. King's friends ". The doctor said .

You check the doctor's name tag and it saids

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You check the doctor's name tag and it saids .
"Dr. Rico?...". You said .
"Yes?". He answered with a smile .
Ashley seems to be staring at him with sparkling eyes as she smirks at him.

"Do you feel any better Ashley ?". Dr. Rico said with that same smile of his .

"Yes daddy!!- I MEANT YES!!". Ashley grin at him.

"That's good you can leave now "

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"That's good you can leave now ". Dr. Rico said . Your pull Ashley out of the bed . She walks alittlebit .
and she dramatically pretended to fall down and sprain her ankle.

|Mad Love| Male Yandere Demons x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now