"Crazy in Love" A). Become Aiden's Maid

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Just the title of Aiden's Route . Anyway welcome to Aiden's route ~!.


"I..I'll work for Aiden ". You said .

Aiden smiles then looks at Kyle and Luciel. Kyle smiles and Luciel frowns.

"Aw..too bad I was hoping that she'll choose me". Luciel said.

"Lucky you~". Kyle said .

Chase looks at you he looks worried.
"Why what's wrong?". You said to Chase.

"...Please let me help you". Chase said.
"No just stay at home and rest". You said.
"I'll be okay". You said. Chase pouts and you giggled because of how cute he looks . You pat his head .

Aiden stands up and walks towards you.
"You'll be working Monday to Friday , Saturday and Sunday will be your day off . You'll be working starting 4:00-5:00 pm ". Aiden said.

"Okay". You said as you nod your head.

"You can sleep here if you want but don't leave when it's around 12 or 3am ". Aiden said.

"Why not?". You said.

Aiden chuckles ."oh you don't want to know". Aiden said.

"Aiden I have to leave now , I still need to finish something ". Luciel said as he stands up.

Luciel looks at you and smirks .
"Good luck~". Luciel said , Luciel was going to pinch your cheek but Chase suddenly caught his hand.

"Don't touch..her". Chase said .

Luciel chuckles ."what ever you say Kitty~". Luciel smiles and leaves.

"Wait for me Luciel ". Kyle said and stands up.
"See ya puppy". Kyle said as he smiles and waves goodbye to Aiden and you.

"Don't call me that!". Aiden yelled . Kyle only chuckles as He and Luciel leaves .

"Well..would you like a tour of the mansion?". Aiden said.

"Yeah sure ". You said.

"Please call Mason" Aiden said to Kiara. Kiara nod and leaves.

"Mason will be the one giving you a tour here ,  sorry if I can't be the one to tour you because I'm busy". Aiden said.

"It's okay". You said .
"Yeah..". Chase said .

Soon the guy named Mason comes in. Wait his Mason?.

"Sir your drink". The guy named Mason said and gives the drink to Aiden.

 The guy named Mason said and gives the drink to Aiden

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"Thanks...I'll be going". Aiden said as he leaves.

Mason walks towards you and bow.
"Hello I'm Mason Fox , I'm the Hunter's butler ". Mason said.

"Hi I'm (y/n) (l/n)". You said.

"Chase you can just wait here for me". You said.
"I want to come with you". Chase said.
"No just stay okay?". You said and pet his head.
He sighs and nods his head.
"Good kitty~". You said .

You followed Mason around the mansion .
"You'll be in charge of cleaning his room , he doesn't like cleaning his room because his too lazy". Mason said.

"Okay". You said.
"Just listen and follow his orders that's what you only have to do, when he ask you to clean then clean if he ask you to cook then cook him a meal". Mason said.

"What if he ask me to die? Then I die?". You said .
You heard Mason chuckles he turn his head to look at you with a smile.

Weird !? He smiled!?
"I don't think sir Aiden would allow that". Mason said.

"Hehehe I was joking". You said.
Mason chuckles .
"Sir Aiden can be bossy sometimes but his really a caring person ". Mason said.

"Oh..I didn't meet his parents yet where are they?". You said.

"Unfortunately Mrs. Hunter is not around she's busy with work and she and Aiden's father are divorced ". Mason said.

"I see...". You said .

"This is the sir Aiden's bedroom ". Mason said and opens the door .

 Mason said and opens the door

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"Wow..I expected it to be fancy like the rest of the bedrooms here but this one is like just a plain bedroom ". You said.

"Yes sir Aiden doesn't like things that are too fancy he likes it plain ". Mason said.

"Why not ?". You said.

"I have no idea". Mason said.

"Moving on ". Mason said as he starts walking .
"Hey..um..I don't get what Aiden said back then about don't leave at 12 or 3?". You said.

Did Mason didn't really hear you or pretended he didn't heard you? You thought .

"Let's go to your room". Mason said . Mason walks to a room and opens it.

"This will be your room to stay its the maid's room ". Mason said . The room was simple , a single bed , desk , cabinet and a lamp .

"Okay". You said.

Mason walks to a cabinet and opens it and gets something .
"This will be your uniform to wear". Mason said as he gives you a maid outfit .

"Thanks...by the way where is Kiara? ". You said.

"Kiara doesn't work here she works for Lord Luciel ". Mason said.

"Oh I see". You said .

"When your finish working there will be a car to bring you back home so that you'll be safe". Mason said.

"Okay ". You said and nod.

"Your free to go home you'll be starting tomorrow ". Mason said.

"Okay thanks ". You said .

Mason escorted the two of you to the car that waiting . When you and Chase walk out of the mansion you saw a beautiful lady get out of the car and was heading in the mansion.

She saw you and rolls her eyes.

"B*tch". You mumbled .

"What was that master?". Chase said .

"Nothing ". You said . You and Chase get in the car .

The car drove for about minutes and still it's far from your house .
You stare out of the window seeing nothing but the trees .

"Master". Chase suddenly said.

"Yes Chase?". You said .

"Are you sure about that job?". Chase said.
"Yes..". You said.
"Well..if it's okay for you..then I'm okay with it too". Chase said.

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