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You couldn't focus on the lesson Mr. Erin is teaching , your mind is bothered by that dream .
Didn't Cherry said ...Kyle's parent died?...but...no..it might just have been a dream so it's not true...but why?

Why are you having this dreams? You started having this dreams when you met Kyle .
Oh my god...maybe I can see other people's past!! Maybe I have a super powers!? DAMN that's sick.

(That's an expression baymax )

"Miss (y/n)?". Mr Erin called you , you quickly snap out of your daydream and look at him.
"Y-yes sir?". You said with a smile .

"Can you repeat what I said?". Mr. Erin said .
"Uh...um..always study?".

"...it's obvious you weren't listening...are you feeling alright? ..if you're not feeling well you can go to the clinic ". Mr. Erin said softly and calm.

"My head hurts a bit ".

"Well you're excused to go to the clinic". Mr. Erin said . You stand up and leave the room . Everyone loves Mr. Erin , he is the most favourite and friendliest teacher you'll ever meet . He doesn't scold students harshly but nicely.
That's what you like about him. You made it to the clinic . You knock on the door and open it to see Kyle treating a student's wound .

"Don't try doing a backflip till your leg heal up ". Kyle said to the guy who broke his leg.
"Yeah yeah sorry Puppet master ". The student said putting his hands on the back of his head .
"Please don't call me that ". Kyle said with a frown.

"Hey look some chick came here to visit you". The student said with a smirk.
Kyle turns his head , he smile at you .
"What brings you here?".

"Um..I just need some medicine for a head ache". You said .
The student got off the bed and was about to walk out when he turn to Kyle .
"Thanks Kyle I'll be going now". He said and left .

"Headache? Sorry but the truck hasn't arrive yet to deliver some medicines ...you can take a rest if you want?". He said .

"Okay...". Kyle told you to follow him , he opens the curtain and let's you lie down on the clinic bed .
"By the way Kyle ..why aren't you attending class?". You said .

"The principal told me to take care of the clinic for a while , since there's a meeting later ". He replied .
I see , you lie down on the bed , the mattress is so soft and so comfortable that you feel like you'll definitely fall asleep fast.

You pull the covers , Kyle closes the curtains to give you some privacy. You close your eyes and rest for a while ...

You wake up , you felt something pressed against your....

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Forehead ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It's Kyle checking your temperature. He smiled at you as you look at him.
"You don't have a fever , your heart is beating well ...". Kyle said .

"Do you feel a bit better?". He asked .
"Yeah a little ". You answered . Suddenly he walks behind the clinic bed , putting his hands on your forehead .
"Maybe a massage can get rid of that headache ". He said .

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