Chapter Two— Nice Girls Finish Last
"Enjoy your movie.""I already did," Bryce said as you gave him his change. Walking off with his friends Zach hung back saying he'd catch up.
Wait I know what Hannah said about Zach but I need to speak my truth on him. Freshman year Zach was my only friend many people didn't know that though. We didn't interact in the halls or steal glances at each other but we were friends nonetheless. We would text and hang out and no one knew. Hannah once asked you, why me Zach? So I'm gonna ask you as well. Why me Zach? Why me?
"I'm sorry about my friends they can be diskish sometimes," Zach said slowly looking up at him you raised an eyebrow.
"Sometimes?" You questioned causing both of you to chuckle.
"Alright most of the time but they're not completely horrible though I swear," Zach said.
"That's hard to believe but then again seeing as you seem nice it's hard to believe you guys are friends," You said.
"Thanks, I'm Zach," He said you smiled looking up at him as he was much taller.
"(Y/n)," You said smiling exchanging numbers Zach went to join his friends as you carried on with work.
We were friends Zach I still can't believe you. For you, for our friendship, it wasn't about what you did it's what you didn't do. That's the thing about having friends they gain this influence on you. I trusted Zach. Maybe that was a mistake, my freshman year I went to one party. Zach convinced me to come. I didn't even know who's house it was. Zach picked me up and drove me there we kept it discreet though.
Hey, Bryce, you're relevant again I'd be getting nervous if I were you. You have a bad rep sheet with parties, but you know that already.
"Ayeeee! Look freshie from the theater what's up Smith!" Bryce said causing all his idiot friends to cheer. You were fourteen going on fifteen in a crowd of sixteen and seventeen-year-olds. Putting his arm around you he handed you a red solo cup.
"No thanks," You said pushing the cup away but to no avail.
"Oh come on freshie it's your first high school party. Come on be adventurous!" Bryce said you chuckled hesitantly before taking the cup slowly sipping the awful tasting substance.
The ball is in your court right that's what you thought after my what fifth drink. Yeah, I was drunk but I was aware. I was talking with Zach by these closed doors. Remember those Zach, we were making fun of the odd sequences on them. Then I got pulled into a room, well pulled and pushed. Pulled by Bryce, pushed by Justin I didn't realize that entire night I was a target. Zach you didn't seem to know either but you didn't help me when I know you heard me scream for you.
"Haha real funny Bryce let me out," You said as you were in an unknown room and Bryce blocked the door. Your vision was a little hazy but you weren't out of it.
"Come on freshie let's have some fun," Bryce said playing with your hair, pushing his hand away you tried walking past but he just pulled you into him.
"Bryce stop!" You yelled you could see feet under the door as you began to panic you knew Zach was there. Bryce pushed you onto the bed.
"Just relax (Y/n)," Bryce said ripping open your buttoned-up tank top leaving you in a bra.
"Zach! Help me! Zach please!" You were screaming at the top of your lungs. Despite the music, you knew he could hear you. As you heard Bryce's belt buckle you panicked lifting up your knee you hit him in no man's land.
Zach why me? You heard me scream for you to help me and you didn't. So I did what I hoped every girl has tried. I stopped hoping for someone to rescue me and I had to be my own hero. I remember running out of the room clutching my shirt. Zach, you stood with Justin and Marcus who were laughing at me. You watched me walk out into the cold still clutching my shirt in tears. I hoped you would come and drive me home but that cold night was long as I walked home. That's how I met another good friend of mine. He didn't wrong me and I'm not surprised he was in the middle of Hannah Bakers' story.
"Hey, you look lost need a ride?"