Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


I was sitting on one side of the hospital bed, Emma on the other side. She had been unconscious ever since we arrived at the party, and the doctor told us that she was in a coma-like state. He hoped she would wake up before the end of today, otherwise her future was pretty much uncertain. I look at the beautiful face in the pillow and think back to when Emma called me to ask if Eleonora was with me.

Earlier, 30 minutes before arrival at the party

(E is Emma, L is Lana)

E: Hey Lana, I know Fred took Nora out, but is she still at your place?

L: No, she left shortly after I arrived, kind of freaked her out, I think...

E: What do you mean? Don't tell me you asked her about her past?

L: Not directly. I asked why she never partied and she went full ham on me

E: You stupid? She had a drugsproblem because of those parties. Please tell me there isn't a party tonight Claire?

L: What do you mean?

E: Meet us at the address I will text you. We might be in time to prevent her from taking drugs.

-call closes-

Emma had to drop something off at Nora's place and apparently Jace opened to tell her she wasn't there, but out. Emma thought immediately after out phone conversation about her drugproblem and we got there, just as she was having a seizure. And now, almost two days later, she still hadn't woken up. The door opened and Patrick walked in with two cups of coffee and handed them to me and Emma. "You know mom, for how you are around us, you sure suck at being a mom to your real daughter." He says softly and I sighed. Suddenly Eleonora's hand twitched, moments after Patrick finished. We tensed up and had our eyes on her. As her eyes slowly opened, I felt relieve flooding through my body. "Hey there sleeping beauty." I softly said and she looked at me and turned away her face in shame. "Water." She croaked out and Patrick handed her a cup. "I am so sorry mom." She said to Emma and Emma smiled softly and pet her hand. "I know baby, I know. Just try to get well. We are not angry at you." She softly says and I nod. I see her peak at me and I smile. "I am not angry or pissed either. I am just happy you are alive." I tell her and I see her nod. I smile as Emma gets up to get the doctor. I sit down on the bed and she looks at me. "I am sorry for everything." She says and I smile. "Me too. I just should've kept you." I say and she smiles. "You were 17, that is at least what Fred told me. You gave me the best I could get." She whispers and I smile. "I would love to start over with you when I get out, if you would give me the chance?" She asks and I start to cry of happiness. "I would love to, I will always give you a chance." I say through my tears and she gets up to hug me. Emma walks in as she lays back and smiles. Behind her is doctor Cameron. "Well hello there, welcome back to earth." She says and Nora chuckles. "Well you are doing quite well actually. You just need a week of bedrest and you should be good to go by the morning." The doctor says and I smile softly. She looks at me and I smile. "You know, Fred and I have been thinking about you getting your own room at my place, that you can come and stay whenever you want? We already got you a bed, but as soon as you are better, you and the boys might wanna decorate and pain the room." I say and she looks at me. "Really?" She asks and I nod. Emma smiles as I start to get my daughter to open to me. Patrick lays his hand on my shoulder. "Really. We already went ahead and got you a black carbonfiber violin." He says and I see the happiness on her face. "I would love to come to the mansion and to live there some time. Nothing against you mom, but I want to get to know Lana better." She says and Emma smiles. "We were hoping you would say that, since we already went ahead and put some money in your debit card to pay for everything." She says and I look at her. "We can pay too. I have to make up for the 18 birthdays I missed." I say and she smiles. "And now you are making up for them. This is our gift." She says and I smile at her. Eleonora smiles broadly and pulls us all in for a big grouphug.

A week later she is all on her feet again. The boys and her went out earlier this week, since Matt insisted he had to take care of his sister he forced her to sit in a wheelchair and thus she was allowed out of the house, and got paint with some amazing photo frames. After that they went ahead and bought a new desk, a good gaming chair, a closet and a new mirror with make-up table. The guys and she were now painting the room a light pink, and one wall black. I walk in and smile as I see the guys working together to help their sister get her room ready. I look at her as she runs over to a small box and pulls it open. "Luckily I was clever enough to bring my art supplies." She says as she grabs a brush with a small tip and dips it in the black paint. She starts with a few petals and then end up making a beautiful rose on the wall. I smile as Jack starts mixing pink and black paint so that she can do some shading on the rose, and soon there is a beautiful, almost real looking rose on the wall. "That is amazing." I say and they turn to me. "Thanks Lana." She says and looks at it. "Well, I think you did enough for the day, and I got some colleagues/friends who are dying to meet you and they are paying for dinner." I say and she looks at the guys. "Go, we'll finish your room." Jack says and she smiles as she walks out. "Let me change." She says and I nod. She comes downstairs in the same clothing she wore when I first came over for dinner and I smile. "It looks great on you." I say and she laughs. We grab our purses and head out. Jen is outside, leaning against her car and looks up as we slam the door to the house. She runs up to me and hugs me and then turns to Eleonora. "I'm Jennifer, but everyone calls me Jen." She introduces herself and Eleonora smiles. "I'm Eleonora, but friends and family call me Nora." She says and Jen smiles. "Ginny and Emilie are picking up Jaimie and then we'll head out the McDonalds. It is what Bex and Ginny wanted, Emilie was cool with it and I had a good hunch Nora would be down for it too." Jen says and I smile. "Sounds good." I say and she smiles as we walk to her car. "Wanna come sit in the front with me Nora?" Jen asks and Nora looks at me, looking for approval. I nod and she eagerly sits next to Jen.

The introduction between the other girls went even better. Emilie just ran up to Nora and hugged her tight. "Welcome to our crazy on set family." She said and Nora laughed in a shy way. We just ordered and sat outside in the sun, talking about random things when suddenly a ringtone started playing. "If I break the glass, then I'll have to fly. There's no one to catch me if I take a dive. I'm scared of changing, the days stay the same. The world is spinning but only in grey" the mobile phone sang and after realising it was her phone, Nora picked up. "Hey Bine. No I am out with Lana and her colleagues... Well yeah, of course I finished the song... Shatter me isn't an easy music piece to learn luv... Well yeah I have to go and explain something to the ladies. Talk to you later babey." She said and I saw the girls looking at Nora with confusion. "For music we are working on another big piece in the next showcase. We are preforming Shatter me, and I am the only one who both dances and play the violin, so I have a big role. My best friend, Sabine, is the vocalist of that song and we've been practising over skype, but the notes weren't flawless yet, so I practised more whenever Lana and the guys were gone." She explains and the girls smile. "I believe they have a violin at our recording studio, would you play for us?" Ginny asks and I just see her eyes light up. "I would love to!" She exclaims and we quickly get in the cars.

Once in the studio, she takes off her blouse and grabs the violin Jaimie hands her. She goes to her phone and searches through her library until she finds what she needs. As she starts playing the tune of the song, I mostly notice the lyrics. Her moves matching perfectly and the way she plays hypnotized you, like she is one of these people in a snowglobe. I can see on the girls faces they are just mesmerized by her while she plays. The seconds she finishes, we all clap. "That was brilliant!" Jen exclaims and she blushes. "Would you come to the showcase in two weeks? I know you guys will probably be filming but it would mean the world if you at least tried to come." She says and I look at the girls. "Let me handle big bad Adam and Eddy, we will come." I say and she smiles excitedly. "Play more!" Emilie begs her and she smiles as she starts with Perfect.

In the car home, Jen just can't stop talking about her violin music and I laugh. "She has some killer vocals too Jen. She got my talent for many artforms." I say and she turns to me. "What is there in me from my father?" she asks and I smile. "You got his nose, and clearly his length. You are just as stubborn as him, and you are capable of more love than the both of us ever could." I say and she blushes. Jen pulls up in front of the home and we get out. As soon as we get inside she gives me a tight hug. "Thanks for today." She says and I smile. "No problem, you are still my baby girl." I say and she smiles. I walk into the kitchen and I am greeted by Fred with a happy look in his eyes. "What is it?" I ask and he smiles. "I saw her hug you. You two are getting along quite well." He says and I nod. "I know." I say and he kisses me. "I think this should get rewarded." He whispers mischievously and I bite my lips. "Perhaps." I flirt and he picks me up and lifts me to our bedroom, where we are undressed in to time...

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