Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


As I walked off the filming set with ma, I couldn't help but notice the stares I got. "Shit." Lana suddenly curses as she stopped me. She dug in her bag, handed me some glasses and then nodded. "Now you look like you could be my P.A." She says and I look at her. "I want to keep you out of the stoplight until you are ready to be in there." She explains and I nod. "I would hug you now but since I am your P.A., I don't think that would be a wise decision." I say with a small smile and Lana laughs. We get into my car and drive away. I stop at the address I got for my streaming supplies and exit the car with ma to pick up the stuff I bought. After that we head back to Vancouver. I stop as I pass a mall where I used to come after school to play music, until Max and Jace got me to play in our band GaySome. I drive the car into the parking garage and get out. Ma follows me as I walk up to the mall itself and almost run to Game Stop. As I walk in, I see Carrie, the girl who got her manager to let me play game music on my violin outside the store. "Carrie!" I yell and she turns, running to me to give me a hug. "How have you been?" I ask her and she smiles. "He popped the question." She says, referring to her boyfriend she had for three years. I smile. "That is amazing, I am happy for the both of you!" I say and she smiles broadly. "And what about you?" She asks and I smile. "I found my real mother." I say and she starts to light up. Lana then just catches up and I smile as I signal her over. "Carrie, meet my mother Lana, Ma, this is Carrie." I say and Lana shakes her hand. Carrie turns to me and starts to smile. "Your mother is Lana Parrilla?" She asks and I nod. She bites her lip trying to hide her excitement and I laugh. "If you want, I could sign something for you?" Ma asks and she starts to flip as she runs to the back to grab a good piece of paper. I laugh and ma smiles too. "Your friends are nice people." She says and I nod. "I know, they are there for you, when you need them." I say and ma hugs me. Carrie returns with a red pen and good thick paper. Ma signs her name and writes above it 'For my daughter's amazing friend' and Carrie just starts to freak out. I smile as I let the two talk and make my way over to the PC games, where I see the new Assassin's Creed: Black Flag. I pick it up with a broad smile as I head over to the League of Legends merchandise and pick this super adorable Amumu figure. I pay for them and then walk back to ma and Carrie who are having and animated conversation. "You got everything you need baby girl?" Ma asks and I nod. We say out goodbyes to Carrie before we start strolling through the mall.

We get home hours later. Our hands are packed with bags from the H&M, Forever 21, Zara, Lush and more. Fred and the boys laugh as we walk in with our hands full. "10 minutes until dinner is ready, what did you buy ladies?" Fred asks and I laugh. I show them my new stash of games I can stream, some of the dresses and shirts I got and the CD from my favourite band. Lana shows most of her stuff, but the lingerie we picked out for her and Fred. I smile as I see Fred just enjoying the happy atmosphere and I laugh at the boys who are playing with Lenny. "I'll walk Lola tonight if you want to." I say and I see Lana and Fred smile. "That would be sweet of you, thank you." Lana says and I smile. "You're welcome." I say as I sit down on the table and watch Fred pull out his home made pizza from the oven.

After dinner I walk up to the sleeping Labrador in the corner of the room and pet her. Her eyes slowly open as I put the collar around her neck and hook it to the leash. Lola gets up and follows me outside. I smile as I enjoy the middle of May in Vancouver, one of its nicest months. I greet the neighbours, I smile as I see children play happily in the park and Lola all walks happily with me. At one point my phone starts to ring and I pick up. "Where are you?" Lana asks and I smile. "About 15 minutes from home. Don't worry, I was already returning with Lola." I say and Lana laughs. "Don't you mean drag her? She is usually bone tired when you walk for an hour with her." Lana says and I smile. "Nah she is okay. See you soon ma." I say and close the call. Once home, I undo Lola of her collar and watch as she walks to her pillow and just drops asleep on it. "I'm home ma!" I yell and Patrick runs down the stairs. "Hey Patrick." I say and he smiles. "Dad and Lana asked me to lead you to their surprise." He says and suddenly there is a blindfold around my face. "Sorry baby sis." I hear Jack say as he grabs my hand and I follow them. Suddenly the floor disappears from underneath my feet as Matt lifts me up and starts to walk with me. "You're really light Nora." He says and I smile. "Why thank you." I say and suddenly they set me down and remove the blindfold. I look at a beautiful studio with a lot of shelves on the wall and isolation everywhere. I start to smile as I see my PC and screens set up, my laptop there too and both my violins are hung on a standard on the wall. I smile and turn around to hug my new brothers, when I see Lana and Fred from the corner of my eyes. I run to them and give them a hug first. Fred smiles and Lana keeps petting my back. I look at the ceiling to see a galaxy and smile. "Thank you all so much." I say as I hug my brothers. They smile and I walk to my violin and grab one. "What song?" I ask and I see the surprise in their eyes. "Play that song you played with me and the girls." Lana says and I nod as I tune the violin and start playing a few of the notes. I see the guys standing there surprised as I play the song while Lana just smiles. As I finish, Lana hugs me before turning to Fred. "See why Colin and Josh told you she is good at what she does?" Lana says with a broad smile and I laugh. "I am not that good." I say and that results in Patrick playfully hitting my head. "Shut up, you are amazing." He says and I smile. "Well, we're gonna help you move all your figurines your sister and brother dropped off earlier to here and then we'll leave you to play around here." Fred says and I smile. After they leave me alone, I look around. I have now a big studio to record, to stream, to enjoy myself. I smile as I start to set up a stream.

Three days later and there are only two days left until prom. Jace and Max are both not going, and Sabine probably not too. I am in doubt. I have a beautiful dress but no one to go with. I am in my small studio when suddenly I hear a knock. I open and see Patrick. I smile as I let him in. Over the past few days he showed himself to be an amazing friend and the one I was with the most. "Mom is asking if you have everything ready for prom or if you two need to go shopping today?" He enters and I sigh. "The group of friends I would go with aren't going, so I am not sure I am even going." I say and he looks at me. "What do you mean?" He asks and I look at him. "Two of them were a couple and then they broke up, and my other friend is siding with one of them so I am the only one left." I say and he sees the disappointment in my face and starts to smile. "What if we go together? I mean they obviously dropped you but you are my family, so I would love to take my baby sister to her prom." He says and I look at him. "You would, for me?" I ask and he nods. I give him a tight hug and smile. "Thank you." I say and he smiles. "What will you wear?" He asks and I smile. "A navy blue dress with a gold necklace." I say and he smiles as he gives me a hug. "Well, then I will bribe dad into getting me a ticket to go to prom with you." He says and I smile as I hug him.

After dinner I am immediately off to my room and sit down with my laptop on my bed to write some notes for the performance in two weeks. The final showcase of the year is always huge and busy, and I have a pretty big part in it. With all the happening between Jace and Max and with Sabine siding with Jace, I was pretty much the only one who kept practising and showed up with rehearsals. I suddenly hear a knock and see ma in the door. "Can I come in?" She asks and I nod. "Of course ma, it is your house." I say as I finish writing what I was writing down and turn to ma who is now sitting on my bed, staring at the photo of me and her. "I now see why everyone says we have the same eyes. We both look like we are up to no good." I say softly and she turns to me. "Oh believe me love, you are almost exactly a copy of me." She says and I smile. "Well, your grandmother called today, curious for you." She says and I look at her. "I have a grandmother?" I asked, super surprised and Lana laughs. "Yeah, and you already met your auntie Deena. She was there to invite you to the UCLA." Ma explains and I look at her. "Wow, more family I should know about?" I ask and she shrugs. "None that know you." She says softly and I look at her. "Want to talk about it?" I ask and she looks at me. "Well, the actual reason why I came here was to talk with you about something indeed." She says and I look at her. "I wanna talk with you about the reason we spend the first 18 years of your precious life apart, the real reason why I felt like I couldn't take care of you. I wanna talk about why I gave you up for adoption." She says and I felt the seriousness seeping through my body.

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